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Home // News // League of Legends Patch 14.17 Summary

League of Legends Patch 14.17 Summary

Patch 14.17 is here with various champion changes, item changes, rune changes, new skins and much more that we'll go through in this quick article!

The patch features changes ranging from champions to items and runes. Champions like Ashe and Aurora have been nerfed, and on the other side champions such as Caitlyn and Graves have received buffs. Patch 14.17 also introduces changes towards items like Warmog's Armor and Celestial Opposition but also towards certain runes like Absorb Life, Cut Down and Fleet Footwork.

Along with all of the above, there have also been some major changes towards the Arena and ARAM modes where several champions have been buffed and others nerfed, certain items as well as augments have also been tinkered with. Finally, this patch also includes a brand new VFX Update arriving towards Miss Fortune.

Have you been enjoying the Battle Queens recently? A new slew of battle queens are now available! Add Battle Queen Miss Fortune, Battle Queen Gwen, Battle Queen Fiora, Battle Princess Annie or even the brand new Divine God-King Darius or Fallen God-King Garen to your collection! Or, if you're a connoisseur, then you can snag them all!

Summary Infographic created by Riot

Upcoming Skins

Divine God-King Darius
Fallen God-King Garen

Battle Queen Miss Fortune (1350 RP)

Battle Queen Gwen (1350 RP)

Battle Queen Fiora (1350 RP)

Battle Princess Annie (1350 RP)

Upcoming Chromas

Battle Queen Miss Fortune

Battle Queen Gwen

Battle Queen Fiora

Battle Princess Annie

That's Everything!

This was our MOBAFire summary of the 14.17 changes arriving to League of Legends, good luck in the new patch!

League of Legends Champions:

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