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Home // News // New League of Legends Skins for MSI: Inkshadow

New League of Legends Skins for MSI: Inkshadow

A brand new universe of skins is coming to celebrate this Mid Season Invitational (MSI) event. Going by the name Inkshadow, it's going to feature warriors with imbued tattoo magic fighting against the dominating force of Rabadon City. Find out which champions are getting the skins (Yone and Volibear ones look amazing).

While playoffs matches are going on as we speak, Riot has started to reveal more details on the upcoming Mid Season International (MSI) Event. Like in previous editions, this year MSI will have an in-game event during the tournament to reward players who follow closely the action. This time though, they have planned something special to surprise LoL players, a brand new skin theme.

Announced back in March LoL Devblog, Riot Meddler and Riot Brightmoon talked about the upcoming new skin themes for this year, being Faerie Court the first one, and the next one being planned to release during MSI. 

Inkshadow - LoL MSI Skins

League of Legends Official Twitter Account just shared the preview of upcoming Inkshadow skins, confirming the leak by Big Bad Bear (Famous leaker). The video features each champion's in-game model, abilities, auto attacks, and recall animations (Still no splash arts).

The theme of the skins will focus on the Ink magic tattoos and how they mesh with champion abilities,  you can see how they did it in the Ink Brush VFX and SFX included in their abilities and autos, even more in Master Yi's case.

These are the seven champions receiving an Inkshadow skin:

Inkshadow Universe is situated on Rabadon City where magic thrives. Whoever controls the magic, controls Rabadon. And the Cabal's control is absolute. Any who resist are brought to heel or eliminated... but an Uprising is coming. Armed with dangerous magic inked directly into their skin, these rebels seek to topple the Cabal and give the city back to its people - or die trying...

Inkshadow Yone

Inkshadow Yone In-Game Model

When will the Inkshadow New LoL Skin line be available?

The new Inkshadow skins are planned to release along with the Mid Season Invitational Event scheduled to start on May 4. 

On pricing, Epic Skins featuring Volibear, Yone, Aurelion Sol, Yasuo, Kai'Sa and Udyr will cost 1350 RP. Master Yi Legendary Inkshadow skin is gonna cost 1820 RP. Finally, the Prestige Inkshadow Yasuo skin is going to be available during the MSI Event Store, the price will be 2000 tokens (You need to purchase the MSI Event Pass to get that amount).

Master Yi Inkshadow

Inkshadow Master Yi is the Legendary Skin

In the LoL Pls video released on January, they talked about a brand new artistic mid laner, although this character may not be tied directly to this skin line, you can take a guess that the Chinese ink brushes will be a feature mechanic for the new LoL champion (Ressembling Sai from Naruto maybe?).

To find out more news regards the Mid Season Invitational Tournament (MSI) and upcoming patch you can check our latest entries. Finally, MOBAfire is the go-to source over the years to get good with champions from the very best OTPs and challenger players.

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