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Home // News // TFT Magic n' Mayhem Tome II Pass Rundown

TFT Magic n' Mayhem Tome II Pass Rundown

Read on to find out what goodies await you in the Magic n' Mayhem Pass - available now in the store!

How It Works

The second chapter of the Magic n’ Mayhem Set has been released with a new Pass for you to complete. The Pass comes in two varieties: Pass, and Pass+. The Pass is free and can be completed over the next two months, yielding rewards such as a new little legend, Star Shards, Realm Crystals, and Treasure Tokens. To earn even greater rewards, such as a unique arena, more legends, booms, and more, you can acquire the Pass+ in the store right now for 1295 RP..

Both the Pass and the Pass+ progress in tandem, so you don’t have to worry about missing out on your Pass+ rewards if you don’t buy the Pass+ immediately. You can buy the premium version anytime, even after you’ve already completed 50% or 100% of the Battle Pass. So, if you’re not sure, you can wait until you’re ready to reap your rewards!

To progress through the Pass you’ll need to accumulate experience. Each set of 1000 XP equals 1 level in the Pass. Once you’ve crossed any particular level, you can claim your newly unlocked reward, one at a time.

To earn Battle Pass XP, all you have to do is play! You’ll get the most XP by playing Normal and Ranked games, and you gain more the higher you place. You gain less experience playing Hyper Roll; but the matches are faster.

You can expedite the process significantly if you head on over to your missions tab and complete your TFT missions as well, which refresh every week!

Free Pass Overview

Discounting the free little legend, Cauldron Sprite, which you’ll receive when you reach level 1 of the Pass, you’ll get three types of rewards in the free Pass:

  • Star Shards - used to evolve your Little Legends to their 2 and 3 star forms.

  • Realm Crystals - one of the two currencies used in the Rotating Shop, which can be used to purchase Arenas, Little Legends, Booms, and more. 

  • Treasure Tokens - 50 are used each time to open a Treasure Bounty in the Treasure Realms Tab, which will yield a random reward, with a small chance to yield a Mythic Reward.

In total, you'll receive 300 Star Shards, 800 Realm Crystals, and 550 Treasure Tokens if you complete the free Pass.



3, 7, 15, 17

75x Star Shards

5, 9, 11, 19, 23, 27

50x Realm Crystals

31, 36, 41, 42, 44

100x Realm Crystals

13, 21, 25, 29, 33

50x Treasure Tokens

38, 43

150x Treasure Tokens

The Cauldron Sprite free Little Legend

Pass+ Overview

If you purchase the premium Pass, you’ll receive a greater quantity of Star Shards, Realm Crystals, and Treasure Tokens as well as a unique Arenas, two Booms, and four extra Little Legends!

Counting the rewards you already get without the premium pass, you'll receive 600 Star Shards, 2000 Realm Crystals, and 1250 Treasure Tokens if you complete the Pass+ in total.



4, 10, 20, 26

75x Star Shards

2, 8

100x Realm Crystals

14, 32

150x Realm Crystals


200x Realm Crystals


500x Realm Crystals

16, 22, 28

100x Treasure Tokens


200x Treasure Tokens


Buzz Off! Boom


Localized Borealis Boom


High Noon Shork Little Legend


Coven Fenroar Little Legend


Coven Dango Little Legend


Tiger Hamlet Little Legend


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