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Patch 25.S1.2 PBE Preview

Read up on all the new PBE changes to get up to date on the upcoming Patch 25.S1.2.  Highlights include new Mythmaker and Dumpling Darling skins, Mel's champion release, and changes to Atakhan and the Feats of Strength!

These changes appeared on PBE on the 7th of January, but have been slowly shifting over the past week, and may continue to do so. As such, keep in mind that not all of these changes may make it to the live patch. If you’d like to check any of the following changes out before Wednesday, hop on PBE and queue up!

New Cosmetics - Dumpling Darling & Mythmaker

A new skinline is coming to League to celebrate the Lunar New Year - Dumpling Darlings! This skinline is aesthetically similar to the Cafe Cuties line but with a focus on, well, dumplings! Seraphine, Syndra, and Amumu are each getting an Epic tier (1350 RP) skin in this theme. All three also come with seven Chromas you can acquire for 290 RP a pop, or all together in a bundle, which comes with an eighth, Ruby Chroma as well.

Also to celebrate the Lunar New Year, the Mythmaker skinline is getting four new additions. Another three Epic tier  (1350 RP)  skins are being added  for Jarvan IV and Nami, with the usual assortment of Chromas, while Mythmaker Jhin is Legendary, costing the usual 1820 RP and coming with a greater array of changes. 

Additionally, a Prestige skin for Cassiopeia is also being released in the Mythmaker line, with a unique gold and jade colour scheme. You can purchase Prestige Mythmaker Cassiopeia through the Mythic Shop for 150 Mythic Essence. As it stands, the best way to acquire Mythic Essence right now is through the Sanctum.

Finally, players who achieved Honour Level 5 in the 2024 Season will acquire the Three Honors Shen for free in the next patch.

New Champion: Mel

Mel is joining the Rift with Patch 25.S1.2 starting next Wednesday! While initially thought to be a support, Mel is in fact a mid lane burst mage with a powerful self-shield that can deflect incoming projectiles back at her attackers. Her passive imbues her basic attacks to apply a new effect, Overwhelm, which eventually allows her to execute her targets. For more information, check out our article on Mel!

Mythic Shop Rotation

Prestige Mythmaker Cassiopeia + Border & Icon

Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal

Prestige Mecha Kingdoms Garen

Crystalis Motus Leona + Reclaimed chroma

Prestige Porcelain Lissandra

Hextech Sejuani

Prestige Ocean Song Seraphine

Prestige Mythmaker Sivir

Prestige Firecracker Vayne

Game Changes

Feats of Strength: First Blood

The Feats of Strength mechanic is getting a small but very welcome change. One of the three possible Feats to achieve to earn the Blessing of Noxus is acquiring First Blood. This was the most controversial of the feats because it’s something that’s functionally outside of your control, but will likely determine the rest of the game. It doesn’t feel great to miss out on Tier 3 Boots just because of a coinflippy death in the top lane.

From this patch onwards, the First Blood feat has been changed to the “Warfare Feat” instead. The first team to reach three kills will gain this Feat. This means that one errant kill won’t necessarily mean the end of the world, and puts some more control in your hands to help your team win the challenge!

Atakhan Changes

On average, the Voracious Form of Atakhan will now appear more frequently. The Voracious Form generally appears when there has been less death and carnage in the game. The voracious form should appear in about 75%-85% of games.

Killing Voracious Atakhan grants the slayers the False Life buff which is also getting changed. False Life grants each member of the slaying team a free resurrection if they perish in the first 150 seconds after killing Atakhan. The champion who kills an enemy with False Life will not get the kill and instead gains a stack of Bloody Petals and, now, 200 gold, up from 100 gold previously.

Bloody Petals Nerf

Bloody Petals will now grant less experience per stack. The base experience has been reduced to 23 from 25, while maximum experience has been reduced to 46 from 50. Adaptive Force scaling will now reach the minimum stacks at 34 instead of 39, as well.

Homeguard Changes

The entire visual fountain circle will now refresh your Homeguards, instead of only the inner portion of the fountain. The range is now similar to the shop radius. Homeguard’s duration has been, however, slightly reduced, lasting 6 seconds now instead of 7.

â–Č Champion Buffs

Evelynn build guides


Whiplash (E)

- Bonus movement speed increased to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% from 30% at all ranks.

Last Caress (R)

- AP ratio increased to 75% AP from 65% AP.

Kayn build guides


The Darkin Scythe  (Passive)

- Shadow Assassin bonus damage increased to 25% − 45% (based on level) from 15% − 45% (based on level).

Malzahar build guides


Void Swarm (W)

NEW EFFECT Live Voidlings now gain the level scaling bonuses when Malzahar levels up.

- Tooltip now notes the damage per rank and uses it when calculating the displayed Voidling damage numbers.

- Tooltip now properly uses stat growth instead of linear interpolation when calculating the displayed Voidling damage numbers.

Master Yi build guides

Master Yi


- Attack damage growth increased to 2.8 from 2.5.

Wuju Style (E)

- Bonus AD ratio increased to 35% bonus AD from 30%.

Smolder build guides


Dragon Practice (Passive)

NEW EFFECT Super Scorcher Breath bonus damage based on critical chance is now affected by critical damage bonuses.

Super Scorcher Breath (Q)

NEW EFFECT Damage based on critical chance is now affected by critical damage bonuses.

Yuumi build guides


Feline Friendship  (Passive)

- Cooldown reduced to 20 − 8 (based on level) seconds from 20 − 10 (based on level). Now scales until level 13 instead of 11.

- Heal AP ratio increased to 25% AP from 15% AP.

Final Chapter (R)

- Damage AP ratio increased to 25% AP from 20% AP.

- Subsequent damage AP ratio increased to 6.25% AP from 5% AP.

▌ Champion Nerfs

Cassiopeia build guides


Serpentine Grace (Passive)

- Blessing of Noxus bonus movement speed reduced to 1 − 18 (based on level) from 2 − 36 (based on level).

Irelia build guides


Defiant Dance (W)

- Base damage reduced to 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 from 10 / 25 / 40 / 55 / 70.

Flawless Duet (E)

- Base damage reduced to 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260.

Vanguard’s Edge (R)

- Base damage reduced to 125 / 200 / 275 from 125 / 250 / 375.

Tahm Kench build guides

Tahm Kench

Tongue Lash (Q)

- Base damage reduced to 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 from 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280.

Viktor build guides


Siphon Power (Q)

- Discharge AP ratio reduced to 60% AP from 50% AP.

Arcane Storm (R)

- AP ratio per second reduced to 35% AP from 45% AP.

Item Changes


▶ Lord Dominik’s Regards

- Total cost increased to 3100 gold from 3000 gold.

- Combine cost increased to 350 gold from 250 gold.

- Armor penetration increased to 40% from 35%.

▶ Mortal Reminder

- Total cost increased to 3300 gold from 3200 gold.

- Combine cost increased to 450 gold from 350 gold.

- Armor penetration increased to 35% from 30%.

▶ Yun Tal Wildarrows

- Total cost increased to 3000 gold from 2900 gold.

- Combine cost increased to 750 gold from 650 gold.

- Armor penetration increased to 35% from 25%.

Rune Changes


â–Č Deep Ward

Domination Slot 2 Rune

- Deep Totem Ward bonus duration increased to 45 − 150 (based on average champion level) seconds from 30 − 120.

▶ Grisly Mementos

Domination Slot 2 Rune

- Maximum stacks reduced to 18 from 25.

- Trinket haste per stack increased to 6 from 4. 

- Maximum trinket haste increased to 108 from 100.

- Summoner spell haste per stack in game modes without wards increased to 3 from 2. 

- Maximum summoner spell haste increased to 54 from 50.

â–Č Sixth Sense

Domination Slot 2 Rune

- Cooldown reduced to ( 275 /  350) seconds from ( 300 /  360).

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