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Home // News // TFT Set 8.5 Monsters Attack - Glitched Out!

TFT Set 8.5 Monsters Attack - Glitched Out!

TFT Set 8.5 Monsters Attack - Glitched Out is right around the corner, featuring plenty of new traits, champions and exciting changes! Find out all the changes below and get ready for the new update, going live on March 22nd!

Let's go through all the new traits, champions and hero augments that come with them, but also take a look at which traits and champions are leaving us this patch. If you're looking for a thorough rundown of all that's coming in TFT 8.5, make sure to check Riot Mort's video!

TFT 8.5 Monsters Attack - Glitched Out New Traits!

There are 4 new traits that will complement our synergies this patch:

  • InfiniTeam - Lucian, Pantheon, Sivir, Shen, Twisted Fate and Ultimate Ezreal

    • The InfiniTeam opens a portal to an alternate timeline. At the start of combat, any InfiniTeam unit placed on a portal summons an alternate version of themselves with different items. They get 1 item for each augment you have.

  • Parallel - Ezreal and Ultimate Ezreal

    • Ezreal learns from his older, more handsome self and joins himself in future adventures. Ultimate Ezreal's ability becomes a blast that hits all enemies in a line. Ezreal's ability summons one additional temporal duplicate.

  • Quickdraw - Lucian, Ezreal, Kai'Sa and Miss Fortune

    • After every 2 damaging ability projectiles, Quickdraw units fire a bonus ability projectile.

  • Riftwalker - Pyke, Vex and Jhin

    • Riftwalkers open a gap between dimensions and summon their ally Zac, who grows in power based on the total star level of Riftwalkers.

On the other hand, the traits Arsenal, Civilian and Recon have been removed from the game. Maybe they'll come back in the future? Time will tell!

TFT 8.5 Monsters Attack - Glitched Out New Champions!

The new traits are bringing 14 new champions to the game, let's take a look at the newest additions to the roster and the hero augments that are joining them:

  • Lucian - InfiniTeam, Quickdraw, Renegade, 1 cost unit

    • Chrono-Barrage: Lucian's attacks deal bonus magic damage. Lucian fires 4 shots in his target's direction. Each shot deals magic damage to the first target hit.

    • New Augment - Hyperbolic Time Chamber: Gain a Lucian. The first time your strongest Lucian casts his Ability each combat, and every 2 times afterwards, gain 1 experience point.

    • New Augment - Enchanted Ammunition: Gain a Lucian. When you field him, your team gains 10 Ability Power, and 2 when they attack (this can stack).

  • Pantheon - InfiniTeam, Heart, 1 cost unit

    • Time Out!: Pantheon leaps onto his target, dealing magic damage and stunning them. He then grants himself a shield for a few seconds.

    • New Augment - The Best Offense: Gain a Pantheon. He gains 50 Ability Power and 100 Magic Resistance.

    • New Augment - Chronic Hallucinations: Gain a Pantheon. Combat start: He and his 4 nearest allies take 70% reduced damage for 6 seconds.

  • Pyke - Riftwalker, Hacker, 2 cost unit

    • Phantom Undertow: Pyke stabs his current target dealing true damage and dashes behind the furthest enemy. After 1 second, all enemies in the path of Pyke's dash are stunned and take magic damage.

    • New Augment - Your Cut: Gain a Pyke. After player combat rounds, gain 1 free Shop refresh(es) for every 2 time(s) your strongest Pyke cast his Ability last round.

    • New Augment - Small Game Hunter: Gain a Pyke. When you field him, your team's abilities and attacks deal 10% more damage, increased to 25% against enemies with less than 1400 maximum Health.

  • Gnar - Gadgeteen, Prankster, 3 cost unit

    • Robo-Rage: Gnar slashes around himself, dealing physical damage to enemies hit. His current target takes 300% damage, and the ability critically strikes them.

    • New Augment - Synchronous Plating: Gain a Gnar. He gains 15 Armor and Magic Resistance, plus another 5 until the end of combat every time he damages an enemy with his Ability.

    • New Augment - Temper Tantrum: Gain a Gnar. When you field him, enemies take 10% more damage, increased to 20% the first time they are damaged by Gnar's attacks or Ability.

  • Morgana - Threat, 3 cost unit

    • Dark Binding: When Morgana deals damage to an enemy, she Sunders and Shreds them for a few seconds. Morgana sends out dark bindings towards the two closest enemies, dealing magic damage and stunning them.

    • New Augment - Fear is Freedom: Gain a Morgana. Morgana sends out 1 additional Dark Binding(s) when she casts her Ability, and her Dark Bindings stun their targets for 0.5 additional second(s).

    • New Augment - Gas Giant Slayer: Gain a Morgana. When you field her, your team's abilities and attacks deal 25% more damage to enemies with more than 1600 maximum Health.

  • Shen - InfiniTeam, Defender, Hacker, 3 cost unit

    • Stand United: Shen tethers himself to the ally who has done the most damage this round and reduces all damage he takes for a few seconds. While the tether is active, his ally is invulnerable and any damage they would take is redirected to Shen instead.

    • New Augment - Anomalous Amplification: Gain a Shen. His Ability lasts an additional 5 seconds and his tethered ally deals 20% more damage while protected.

    • New Augment - Recursion Matrix: Gain a Shen. When you field him, your team takes 8% reduced damage, tripled for 4 seconds when they cast Abilities.

  • Vex - Riftwalker, Mascot, 3 cost unit

    • Shadow Surge: Vex launches a blast of gloom at her current target, dealing magic damage. Every third cast, her gloom becomes unstoppable, passing through enemies and dealing magic damage to each enemy hit.

    • New Augment - Joy Siphon: Gain a Vex. Vex heals her allies for 22% of the damage she deals.

    • New Augment - Endless Darkness: Gain a Vex. When you field her, your team gains 20 Ability Power, and 5 when they cast Abilities (this can stack).

  • Aatrox - Threat, 4 cost unit

    • Soul Crush: Aatrox sucks the soul of nearby enemies dealing magic damage and gaining maximum health. He then unleashes his demonic form for the rest of combat, replacing his spell with The Darkin Blade. The Darkin Blade: Aatrox leaps up and slams his greatsword down on his target, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit and healing himself.

    • New Augment - Deathbringer: Gain an Aatrox. His Abilities deal additional damage equal to 12% of his Maximum Health.

    • New Augment - Darkin Assimilation: Gain an Aatrox. When you field him, 50% of the damage your team receives is instead dealt over 3 seconds as non-lethal damage.

  • Garen - Mecha: PRIME, Defender, 4 cost unit

    • Mecha Justice: Garen brings his sword down on the largest group of nearby enemies, dealing physical damage to enemies within two hexes and stunning them for a few seconds.

    • New Augment - Full Power to Sword: Gain a Garen. His ability costs 40 less Mana to cast and deals additional damage equal to 70% of his Attack Damage, but no longer stuns.

    • New Augment - My Sword is Your Shield: Gain a Garen. Combat Start and when your strongest Garen casts his ability: Garen shields allies for 15% of their maximum health for 6 seconds.

  • Jhin - Riftwalker, Renegade, 4 cost unit

    • Otherworldly Flourish: Jhin's attack speed is always 0.80/0.80/1. He converts 80% of bonus attack speed into attack damage and replaces every fourth attack with an ability cast. Fire a bullet towards the lowest health enemy, dealing physical damage to all enemies in a line, increased based on their missing health. The bullet's damage is reduced each time it hits an enemy.

    • New Augment - Rule of Four: Gain a Jhin. Every 4 takedowns he gets each combat, he drops 3-6 gold (based on current Stage). He occasionally also drops an item component.

    • New Augment - Wrath of the Rift: Gain a Jhin. When you field him, your units that start combat in the back 2 rows deal 16% bonus damage.

  • Neeko - Star Guardian, Spellslinger, 4 cost unit

    • Hop Blossoms: Jhin's attack speed is always 0.80/0.80/1. He converts 80% of bonus attack speed into attack damage and replaces every fourth attack with an ability cast. Fire a bullet towards the lowest health enemy, dealing physical damage to all enemies in a line, increased based on their missing health. The bullet's damage is reduced each time it hits an enemy.

    • New Augment - Starlight Resonance: Gain a Neeko. On combat start and when your strongest Neeko casts her Ability, she grants herself and her closest ally 15 Ability Power until the end of combat.

    • New Augment - Easy Being Green: Gain a Neeko and a Spear of Shojin. When you field her, allies holding Spear of Shojin gain 35% Ability Power.

  • Twisted Fate - InfiniTeam, Duelist, Spellslinger, 4 cost unit

    • It's Time to Duel!: Twisted Fate draws cards and begins drawing another card after every auto attack. After a few seconds, Twisted Fate throws all of his drawn cards, each dealing magic damage. The final card thrown is a red card that deals damage magic damage to nearby enemies.

    • New Augment - Ante Up: Gain a Twisted Fate. Your strongest Twisted Fate drops 1 gold every 20-10 cards thrown each combat (based on current Stage).

    • New Augment - Gear Shift: Gain a Twisted Fate. When you field him, your team gains 12% Attack Speed, doubled after they cast their Ability the first time each combat.

  • Warwick - LaserCorps, A.D.M.I.N., Brawler, 4 cost unit

    • Hack & Slash: Warwick gains Omnivamp. Upon his first takedown, he enters KILL MODE 2.0, granting himself bonus attack speed and causing him to leap to new targets for the rest of combat. Warwick attacks his target six times, dealing physical damage. If his target dies, he gains bonus mana for each remaining slash.

    • New Augment - Well Fed: Gain a Warwick. When you field him your team gains 50 Maximum Health. This is increased by 1 every 2 times your strongest Warwick attacks. (Current Health: 0)

    • New Augment - Big Data: Gain a Warwick. When you field him, your units deal 0.75% increased damage for every 100 Health they have.

  • Ultimate Ezreal - InfiniTeam, Parallel, Sureshot, 5 cost unit

    • Alternate Ezrealities: Ezreal shatters the timestream, calling in temporal duplicates of himself that each fire a blast of energy towards the largest group of enemies. Enemies hit by a blast take physical damage.

    • New Augment - Temporal Disruption: Gain an Ultimate Ezreal. His Ability causes enemies struck to burn for 2% of their Health every second and have their healing reduced by 33% for the rest of combat.

    • New Augment - Accelerated Mentorship: Gain an Ultimate Ezreal. After player combat rounds where you fielded him, gain 8 experience points.

Looking good! Making space for these champions are Galio, Talon, Yuumi, Cho'Gath, Senna, Vel'Koz, Zoe, Sejuani, Sett, Soraka, Taliyah, Zac, Zed and Aphelios, who are leaving us till further notice.

TFT 8.5 Monsters Attack - Glitched Out New Item!

We've also got a new item! Yes, only one. It's called Lesser Champion Duplicator and you can use it on a Tier 3 or less champion to create a 1-star copy of it. Pretty straightforward!

That's pretty much it! Make sure to keep an eye on MOBAFire's TFT Portal as its being updated for Set 8.5 very soon. You can find the best Team Comps to play and also an Augments Tier List to improve your picking and knowledge. Good luck and have fun out there!

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