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League of Legends (LoL) Question: [Champion] Generic Asssasin's counter

Posted in Champions 3,298

  • ArkierKnight

    [Champion] Generic Asssasin's counter

    Hello! How are you today?

    Thanks for taking some time in order to read this questions. So, i've been thinking, in Mid we have a lot of assassins, that can snowball pretty hard. So far, i've been fighting them with Diana, the bursty "fighter"/assassin, as well as Kayle to deny some burst, and a few times as Annie, in order to disengage them. But i'm still not trully satisfied, and i'm looking for any ideas about champions who excel at breaking assassins such as Talon, Akali, Fizz and this sort of characters.
  • Answers (5)

    PsiGuard (1495) | October 1, 2017 4:17pm
    You might try Malzahar and Galio. Lux also works against some assassins. Lissandra works well in theory though she isn't super strong right now.
    Pliisti (3) | October 17, 2017 7:20am
    Playing support, assassins love to try and pick me off for easy kills, especially if they are a little behind and can't easily take out a carry. Most of them rely on good decision making, choosing when to go in and when not to, and the easiest way to deal with them is to punish their positioning mistakes. This is hard in laning phase as it's mostly 1v1 so you may be looking to your jungler to do some of the heavy lifting early on. For bot lane the support's CC and peel can heavily punish an assassin with the damage coming out of the carry, easily killing them if they go for a dive or go in for a gank without their laners. Focus on the outplay, avoiding their high powered engages with dashes or abilities like fizz's E, and shutting them down with CC and burst. Later on in the game they generally fall away as they struggle to have high impact in teamfights when confronted with a tanky frontline and various sources of CC, survive until then.
    moon827 (14) | October 10, 2017 9:26am
    I personally have used morgana to deal with them early on, but later game if they get fed for some reason, Morgana is kinda useless to deal with them imo. Her q is really good for assassins such as Talon, Yasuo, Akali, Katarina, even Ahri if you wanna count her, etc because it takes away their mobility if you can land the dark binding, and just combo them with her q > w > ignite > ult > zhonyas (if necessary). it should do most of their health, and by the time the combo is done, your q should be off of cooldown, to do the extra damage for the secured kill, also morg is the queen of the 1v2, as long as the enemy team have a melee jungler, who you can stop with your q to deal with the mid laner, then focus the jungler as soon as you get the kill on the mid.

    Here is the build I use:

    Hope this helps,

    Astromdeux (4) | October 1, 2017 7:36pm
    I am going over basic stuff here, but the role of the assassin type champion in league of legends is to take out the adc or mid-laner as quickly as possible to turn the fight into a 5v4 for his team. An ideal scenario, but in laning phase Talon and Zed still have that potential to one-shot. I would recommend playing a champion that cannot be one-shot and has the potential to deny a lot of damage, for example if you build zhonya on Kayle and play under tower, if you play against a Zed, he will try to poke you before going all in with his ult which you can deny with Zhonya if under tower or simply ult+w to give you the mobility needed to get there. In both cases you still have the alternative of using your ult or zhonya if they tower dive and by doing that they will take damage from tower. I think that PsiGuard gave you a good advice about Lissandra and Galio, but if Lux misses her skillshot she can be one-shot and even without that, she can still be one shot. Annie...I do not know to tell you honestly, her stuns can disengage a fight, but it is a hard match-up against assassins. I am not very supportive of trying to play Diana vs Assassins on mid, but to each his own I guess. I prefer her as a jungle pick because I think it makes maximum use of her kit.
    Arcthunder (9) | October 1, 2017 6:31pm
    Ironically, it seems like you are describing Kled to me.

    Sure, he doesn't have any abilities to protect himself from damage, but his Beartrap on a Rope and Jousting give true sight, completely "eliminating" Talon's ult (since once you see him, you can attack him), and Akali's escape as well. Additionally, Beartrap on a Rope can pull Fizz out of his Playful / Trickster ability, deleting a majority of his damage

    Additionally, by generating enough courage when your lizard leaves (which, by the way, prevents you from being executed if you have him), you can summon Skaarl (lizard) back to gain tons of health. This can usually negate tons of damage Assassins deal, plus leaving you with an easy target.

    He's personally one of my favorite champs. If you are looking to play him mid, I suggest going full lethality, however, he does best top.
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