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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Best bann when you play Jayce MID?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Eclipse Jayce 3,328

  • SportJAK

    Best bann when you play Jayce MID?

    What are the, lets say 3, best banns when playing Jayce on mid lane?
  • Answers (2)

    desch3445 (2) | December 15, 2021 5:40pm
    Personally I permaban Vex every game because she's just the most infuriating matchup imo, but Syndra is by far the absolute worst matchup for Jayce, with Irelia being a close second.
    PK Noob (7) | June 21, 2021 9:25pm
    Fizz because he can easily burst, dodge, and close the gap fast. Yasuo because he can easily dodge you abilities or block and dash to close the gap. Zed because he can just easily pop you. This is just my opinion though.
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