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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Champ guides

Posted in Champions 2,325

  • BebsiMax

    Champ guides

    Hello, okay so I've made a guide on Veigar being on top months ago but it never shows whenever I search for it, but it still shows a guide from 8.4
    If you compare the 2 guides I have passed it with the views, does it have to do with ranked or prime ?
  • Answers (2)

    PsiGuard (1495) | March 9, 2020 6:20pm
    Your guide is categorized as a Build, so it'll be displayed lower in the listings (among other Veigar Builds). If you want to upgrade it to Full Guide status, you'll need to add a minimum of 3,000 characters of text to the Chapters section of your guide. Once you pass the threshold, your guide will automatically become a Full Guide and be sorted among other Full Guides.
    BebsiMax | March 13, 2020 8:39pm
    Thank you for the information, I have gotten a big use of it !
    The King Of Glacia | March 9, 2020 5:47pm
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