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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Low Elo Wu Jungle?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Wukong 3,617

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    Low Elo Wu Jungle?

    I don't play as much as I used to, but I still really like playing Wukong. He is just a fun champion to me. I know he can top, and jungle (I prefer jungle), but I was wondering if he would really be considered a viable jungle in ranked. I have played him in norms a bit but I haven't played ranked since I bought him due to taking a break from the game. Anyway, I'm currently B2, and wouldn't be surprised if I was there for a while after not playing for months, but would Wukong be viable in this Elo, and/or possibly in a higher Elo if I climb?
  • Answers (1)

    Ekki (86) | October 3, 2015 10:48pm
    Pretty much everything is viable on every ELO, have you seen the master tier jungle AD malzahar guide?

    Wukong is a decent to good champion and his jungle role is OK, so if you like playing him in the jungle, just do it. You'll be able to climb as long as you enjoy playing what you play.
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