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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Malph Jung or Top?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Malphite 6,270

  • dudm

    Malph Jung or Top?

    Hi I just wanted to get your guys opinions on Malphite the shard of the monolith. Is he better at top lane or in the jungle and which build would be better for him AP tanky build or just straight tank?
  • Answers (3)

    sirell (400) | May 12, 2014 1:07pm
    Last time I jungled against a Malphite, he was still level 4 when I was level 8.

    Keep him top.
    sirell (400) | May 12, 2014 1:18pm
    That's precisely the point though. All I did was go into his jungle and stole EVERYTHING. He couldn't get to level 6 when it mattered. He only got one buff the whole game, and that's only because I let him get it. He's so easy to counter-jungle because he does nothing from level 1-5 in the jungle.
    dudm (1) | May 12, 2014 1:11pm
    ^ to jungle malph
    dudm (1) | May 12, 2014 1:10pm
    I was just asking this question because I went into a game recently playing malph jungle and did pretty well all through out the game except early (like lvl's 1-5) but besides after I get ult I found it more useful.
    Janitsu (569) | May 12, 2014 11:25am
    Straight tank top imo. His jungling is quite slow and mana dependent.
    Bioalchemist (155) | May 12, 2014 11:44am
    ^ yes. you might be able to get away with malph jung in bronze or low silver but that is about it. clear is so slow.

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    XBrutalEclipseX | January 12, 2015 8:42am
    Update: disregard the mention of Malphite adc, he can adc however is surpassed by the other adcs.
    SNOBOY (13) | October 5, 2014 1:55pm
    I have played Malphite a bunch top as AP offtank and it can be really strong. He is really good to choose as a counter pick to champs like Jax, or Fiora. However, if you first pick him, he is easily countered. That aside, Malphite top is very viable, and jungle can be done but is not very good. Slow clear times, and reliant on ult for good ganks. I play him top building ROA, Liandry's, and Iceborn. Pretty fun top lane, good initiate, strong combo with some AP, and has tanky stats. If you can do well in lane until 6 you can win lane. Check out my Malphite top build, "Straight tank is BORING" It lays it out pretty well =)
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