League of Legends (LoL) Question: Shaco jung: Bruiser or straigt Assassin?
Tags: Shaco 3,112
Shaco jung: Bruiser or straigt Assassin?
Which should i go?
I like to play a split push shaco
i usually go
warrior, ravenous hydra, black cleaver, youmous, x, and boots
I like to play a split push shaco
i usually go
warrior, ravenous hydra, black cleaver, youmous, x, and boots
PS: Black cleaver is only good if you have 2 or more tank items on shaco.. otherwise I would go Last Whisper and upgrade it if you really need armor penetration.
What is good on black cleaver? The armor penetration after 5 hits? Your target should already be dead or you are dead! .... the cdr? for another q/e? I don't think so...
Or did you mean: What build should I use for splitpushing?