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League of Legends Reforged Rune: Prototype: Omnistone

Prototype: Omnistone

LoL Reforged Rune: Prototype: Omnistone

Periodically grants a single use of another random keystone.

5-3 second cooldown between using a keystone and gaining the next (9-7 seconds for ranged users). Will not give the player Press the Attack or Conqueror as their first rune.

After 40 seconds of not using a given keystone, Omnistone will re-roll when you exit champion combat. Aftershock is only available to champions who have learned a basic spell that can trigger it. Predator is only available to champions who have already purchased boots.

Rune Path
LoL Reforged Rune Path

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Jaguaruna | September 19, 2020 8:56pm
Which Champion can I use omnistone for?
Fruxo (327) | September 19, 2020 10:38pm
You can use omnistone on any champion as it's an available keystone for them all. Don't know exactly about their viability though.
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