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9.3 Jungle Tier List (High Elo Perspective) Patch 9.2

kindredbukkakeman's Tier List kindredbukkakeman's Tier List
Last updated on February 5, 2019
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New Tier List


With the advent of 9.3 we will see an increase in peel in the meta game completely annihilating Rengar and Nocturne from pickability due to the addition of lifeline and mini speed up passive on PD.

The new crit changes favor certain champs like Kindred and Graves, which place champions like Kha and Xin in a naturally more favorable position against scaling junglers.
If you can't powerfarm or have early impact in this meta, the next best thing you can be is reliable and efficient. Ivern is the epitome of this as XP nerfs favor him by allowing him to steal needed xp from enemy junglers safely, which is a large detriment, while also being relevant due to the increased relevance of adcs. Ivern is the clear last winner from 9.2 to 9.3, but these changes randomly help Sylas and Zac as well because they are difficult to punish and have exponential ramping.

The end of the tier are generally champions that can powerfarm as quickly and healthily as the best champions with slightly less impact, but are better objective takers and a few early game powerhouses that can be situationally picked in many situations that you would previously pick Camille, although they do lack the later game scaling that Camille had save Lee Sin.

The situational tier is built mostly out of the advent of the new meta. Evelynn CAN choose her fights as an assassin, but her window for relevance has been shortened due to item and champ changes. Kayn is only good in comparison as Rhaast into full tank teams, otherwise you're better off picking Kha or Sylas who serve a similar purpose with more impact.Gragas and Olaf are picks that you take when there is genuinely nothing else and they can serve a reliable role, but nothing outstanding. Shyvana can be picked in games with absurd lane priority. Rammus is rammus.

s+ tier

Pickable every game and will do the exact same thing.


s tier

More niche scenario picks who consistently are relevant no matter what.


S- tier

More objective/teambased jungler. Elise is akin to xin and a khazix counter.


situationally s tier

When the situation calls for it there is no better champ. But when not called for they are beyond dog ****.

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