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An Honest 8.11 Patch Tier List. Patch 8.11

nicetrynick's Tier List nicetrynick's Tier List
Last updated on June 1, 2018
1450 0
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New Tier List

Honestly God

Anything in here is just stupid strong right now. Probably worth the ban.


Really Good

This are highly viable in this meta an would recommend learning because they probably will stay here unless Riot hates them and they go to the shadow realm :D 



These Guys can go toe to toe in this patch. Would recommend picking up some of these for future buffs.


Semi - Ok

These work but are harder to execute in game typically in this patch.



Usually picked for counter purposes. All champs in league are viable to an extent but these are getting harder to execute around the strongest comps and champs.


Probably Avoid

Not impossible to win with these guys. Basically for mains or people super confident should pick these champs with caution.

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