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MOBAFire's final Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! 🏆

Best Junglers for Bronze [Preseason-Season 8] Patch 7.22

Jeff_Curry's Tier List Jeff_Curry's Tier List
Last updated on November 14, 2017
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New Tier List


Just a few suggestions of easier champions with high impact to play in ranked for those in lower elo to climb out of that elo faster and get to where you want to be!

It is preseason so feel free to practice harder champions, but mastering the easier champions and learning to carry with them will help you much more going into Season 8!

Easy high impact!

Can pick up and play with almost no experience and have impact!


Easy but not meta

Easy champions that can impact the game but are not super strong with the new runes.


Harder with high impact

Higher risk, higher reward champions that improve with practice.


do not play!

Either too hard to play at that level or just awful jungler.

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