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Best Support Tier Lists: As a Support Main Patch 9.24

M1sh0's Tier List M1sh0's Tier List
Last updated on January 1, 2020
8807 6
7 Votes

Godlike (S)

Very few counters, and you flee at the sight of them



Some counters, but still are very scary if played right


Good (B)

More counters, but the rare god of this champion can be scary





Below AVerage (D)

Less Good than Meh...


How do you survive? (F)

IDK anymore. Failed Experiments I guess

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urielito3010 (4) | November 2, 2019 8:51am
I like the tier list, but I would change a few things, especially the Maokai at Top Tier. It is a pretty neat character, and I love to have him in my team, but I think that I can actually be easily countered by distance characters by slows or good movement speed. Other than that, I think that the tier list is pretty neat! Keep the good work!
M1sh0 (4) | November 2, 2019 3:49pm
Hey urielito, thanks for the feedback. From my time playing against Maokai, I have really never enjoyed him to much. You are right about the distance characters being counters to Maokai, but he has an ability which he can throw a sapling and would slow you and do dmg for 5 sec (ish). Also with his recent buff it makes him a really annoy tank support, which can still root you anytime with his ultimate. But in the end I believe Maokai isn't N#1 as the best support but around the top of Tier 2.

Again, Thanks for the Feedback!!!

Shacnedo (4) | October 22, 2019 1:00am
Hi mate i think u put Shaco in the wrong place, i'm a Shaco Main and i play him on every lane, but not adc( I dont like them)
but Meh he is better then this atleast B Tier not C.
Sry m8 but i play him sup very often and u can kill bot and jgl if u are smart enough. Ps.: sry for bad English.
M1sh0 (4) | October 22, 2019 3:36am
Hey Snacnedo, thanks for commenting here. I think now with the recent 9.21 patch coming out that now Shaco's support role will now be better and more frequently played. I'll trust you on this one as I am an awful Shaco, so I will fix that right away.

Thanks for the feedback

Shacnedo (4) | October 22, 2019 3:45am
Ur List is very nice and im sry if i was to harsh to u
Luv Shacnedo
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