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Bot Tier list Patch 10.10

Mastertino's Tier List Mastertino's Tier List
Last updated on May 15, 2020
2965 6
2 Votes
New Tier List


My bot lane tier list


Best Champions



Near Perfect



Really nice






Below Average



Hard to play or powerless

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SELORONIOS (118) | May 28, 2020 5:02am
wow, does anyone even try Yuumi ADC? that's pure trolling...
Mastertino | May 29, 2020 4:23am
Yes, actually I play a ranked game and my teammate was a Yuumi ADC, we died so hard that game T_T.
lemonbellflower (22) | May 15, 2020 10:50am
Interesting take, I like it! I'm a little confused why Yuumi's on this list, although, you are right. Yuumi in an ADC position would be a nightmare to play and eaaasy pickings for the other team. I'd love to hear more of your take on Lucian, he seems to be the Hot Topic on whether he's a good enough ADC or not--he doesn't seem to have an average position, like Jinx is usually mid to top, Graves is usually around the bottom, but Lucian is all over the place. Why is he higher on yours?
Mastertino | May 15, 2020 2:48pm
Thanks for your feedback, I usually would not include Yuumi, but I once saw in a ranked game a Yuumi ADC, we died so hard. I think that Lucian is higher because his passive, has really been life and death before. And also it really depends on what counters him. Most counters he can dash to or away from to secure the kill, or escape.
FuzzyFuz (1) | May 15, 2020 9:11am
2 things first, Yasuo BOT??!! what is this, can you please explain your placement of him. Secondly why is lux in this tier list, lux is a support mid, lux bot is not a thing, and why is Senna below lux?? Senna deserves at least A or B tier. Lucian does not deserve A tier, he has a trash late game unless he gets fed, and Varus is overrated and Ezreal Bot is definitely not S+ tier, he is A tier at best.
BlackguardRaven | May 15, 2020 10:06am
Yasuo bot works incredibly well. -_-, and your opinions are biased. Lucian does not fall off as hard as you think, Varus is NOT overrated and actually deserves to be there, Ezreal is a safe pick that with good poke, good scaling, and if you know how to play Ez then it doesn't matter how you play you'll scale up. ADC Senna is actually pretty good, but she's probably an a-tier pick at best, especially in low elo, where she can punish mistakes to get souls. Higher up it gets harder to use, but that's that. Yea I agree with you, the lux is questionable, but bruh think before you comment lmfao
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