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Champ Difficulty (S13 Pre-Season) Patch 12.22

Vixylafoen's Tier List Vixylafoen's Tier List
Last updated on November 20, 2022
2795 0
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Tier list of champion difficulty. Placements are unordered and decided on factors of the champions' kits, ease of use, role, carry ability, scaling (both for them, and around other champs), and teamfight presence/importance

Extremely Difficult

Will take lots and lots of practice just to be decent with. Tons of time will need to be sunk into them to be great



Lots of time required to get good with these guys and gals



A decent amount of time to get acquanted with them, but once you are, you can easily perform well


Very easy

Only a few games and you'll practically master them already

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