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Counter picks for every champion as support Patch 12.23

Olympus shark's Tier List Olympus shark's Tier List
Last updated on January 6, 2023
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1 Votes
New Tier List


Support recommendations for each champion in teamfights or in lane, with skills to get them in trouble. (I will try to add all of them gradually.)

Edit: I will not add any champ more... no one has ever comment :/ now i think it's stupid too


Movement speed and CC counters Aatrox. In team fights, as soon as Aatrox runs in, try to CC him and burst him down first. He is pretty vulnerable to CC, and if you can kill him before he gets his combo off, the enemy will lose out on a lot of damage. Good to get Shurelya's Battlesong and anti-heal items.Movement speed and CC counters Aatrox. In team fights, as soon as Aatrox runs in, try to CC him and burst him down first. He is pretty vulnerable to CC, and if you can kill him before he gets his combo off, the enemy will lose out on a lot of damage. Good to get Shurelya's Battlesong and anti-heal items.



Champions with long range-poke andburst damagecounter Ahri. Alsoahri is countered by movement speed too. Buying an Shurelya's Battlesong allows your teammates to more easily dodge her charm, and dodge at least one half of her Q.Champions with long range-poke andburst damagecounter Ahri. Alsoburst damageahri is countered by movement speed too. Buying an Shurelya's Battlesong allows your teammates to more easily dodge her charm, and dodge at least one half of her Q.



Hard CC counters Akali. In team fights, Akali will look to dive the backline and take out the squishiest champions first. As soon as she engages, try to lock her down with CC/ peel her away from yourself and your allies. CC is your biggest friend when it comes to beating her.Hard CC counters Akali. In team fights, Akali will look to dive the backline and take out the squishiest champions first. As soon as she engages, try to lock her down with CC/ peel her away from yourself and your allies. CC is your biggest friend when it comes to beating her.



I don't have much experience with
this champion. All I can say is that you have to maintain movement speed to be
able to escape when it suddenly appears. And you must have burst damage.I don't have much experience with
this champion. All I can say is that you have to maintain movement speed to be
able to escape when it suddenly appears. And you must have burst damage.



Range and sustain counter Alistar. At level 1, make sure to harass and poke Alistar with basic attacks to get his health low before he reaches level 2. His level 2 all-in is pretty strong, so you should try and get a health advantage to make it impossible for him to engage.
You can poke him from a distance while keeping you and your ADC topped off.Counter Alistar in lane by poking him so that he is already low on health and easy to kill if he engages.Once Alistar engages, his only back way out is to walk. After he has used his Q and Ecombo, you're free to trade back as much damage as you can output.Alistar will look to roam if the lane gets stale. Make sure to punish him by looking to fight the enemy ADC or zone them away from farm while he’s gone. Make sure you ping as soon as he leaves lane so your allies know he’s gone.Alistar will not hesitate to Flash over walls to start fight. Be sure to ward your flanks when sieging an objective or starting the Baron or Dragon.Avoid grouping very closely as a team and never stand together inside the jungle. Alistar’s basic W and Q combo has a rather large AOE and you may lose the team fight if he can get a multiperson knock up.Range and sustain counter Alistar. At level 1, make sure to harass and poke Alistar with basic attacks to get his health low before he reaches level 2. His level 2 all-in is pretty strong, so you should try and get a health advantage to make it impossible for him to engage.
You can poke him from a distance while keeping you and your ADC topped off.At level 1, make sure to harass and poke Alistar with basic attacks to get his health low before he reaches level 2. His level 2 all-in is pretty strong, so you should try and get a health advantage to make it impossible for him to engage.Counter Alistar in lane by poking him so that he is already low on health and easy to kill if he engages.Once Alistar engages, his only back way out is to walk. After he has used his Q and Ecombo, you're free to trade back as much damage as you can output.Alistar will look to roam if the lane gets stale. Make sure to punish him by looking to fight the enemy ADC or zone them away from farm while he’s gone. Make sure you ping as soon as he leaves lane so your allies know he’s gone.Alistar will not hesitate to Flash over walls to start fight. Be sure to ward your flanks when sieging an objective or starting the Baron or Dragon.Avoid grouping very closely as a team and never stand together inside the jungle. Alistar’s basic W and Q combo has a rather large AOE and you may lose the team fight if he can get a multiperson knock up.


amumu (jungle and support both)

Amumu has a very weak early game and is susceptible to invades. If you’re a strong try and invade him early to set him behind and delay his level 6 power spike. Amumu’s team fight presence is very strong. Do not group too closely as this will allow him to get a multiperson entangle with his Ultimate.Try and start a team fight as soon as the one before has ended.Amumu is not very mobile. In order for him to get over a wall, he needs a target on the other side. His gank paths are pretty standard. Ward the typical spots and he'll have a difficult time surprising your team.Amumu has a very weak early game and is susceptible to invades. If you’re a strong try and invade him early to set him behind and delay his level 6 power spike. Amumu’s team fight presence is very strong. Do not group too closely as this will allow him to get a multiperson entangle with his Ultimate.Try and start a team fight as soon as the one before has ended.Amumu is not very mobile. In order for him to get over a wall, he needs a target on the other side. His gank paths are pretty standard. Ward the typical spots and he'll have a difficult time surprising your team.


anivia (mid And support both)

CC is your best friend against Anivia as she is squishy and immobile. But she does have tools to defend herself like her Qand W. To make locking her down easier, try to flank her rather than running directly at her to make it harder for her to escape. If Anivia goes missing during the mid-game, she may be trying to setup a death bush herself. Ask yourself where would you be right now if you were Anivia. Don’t face check bushes if you don’t know where she or her team is.CC is your best friend against Anivia as she is squishy and immobile. But she does have tools to defend herself like her Qand W. To make locking her down easier, try to flank her rather than running directly at her to make it harder for her to escape. If Anivia goes missing during the mid-game, she may be trying to setup a death bush herself. Ask yourself where would you be right now if you were Anivia. Don’t face check bushes if you don’t know where she or her team is.



Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. If you’re melee, stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward.Annie’s greatest power spike is when she hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate.Annie is strong during the mid-game and in team fights (if she can get a multi-person stun). If possible, do not walk around the map alone and without your team. Stick to warded areas and try to stay away from her at all times.Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. If you’re melee, stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward.Annie’s greatest power spike is when she hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate.Annie is strong during the mid-game and in team fights (if she can get a multi-person stun). If possible, do not walk around the map alone and without your team. Stick to warded areas and try to stay away from her at all times.



Aphelios is prone to crowd control and all-ins. If possible, try to lock him down as quickly as you can when trading to reduce his damage output. Aphelios is also super squishy and easy to kill, so he might even blow Flash when you try to engage.Once Aphelios gets his first item, he will be very strong and sustain very well in lane. Unless you match his damage, try not to fight him too much unless you can catch him out of position.Aphelios is prone to crowd control and all-ins. If possible, try to lock him down as quickly as you can when trading to reduce his damage output. Aphelios is also super squishy and easy to kill, so he might even blow Flash when you try to engage.Once Aphelios gets his first item, he will be very strong and sustain very well in lane. Unless you match his damage, try not to fight him too much unless you can catch him out of position.


Ashe (adc and support both)

Ashe is really immobile and squishy. Try to catch her out of position at the start of the team fight so the enemy lacks consistent damage.Catch Ashe out of position when she goes to ward. You can then look to take Baron or the Dragon while she is dead.Ashe is much stronger in long skirmishes because it allows her to activate her Q.Dont go for extended trades with Ashe unless you can kill her.Don’t let Ashe push you under your tower early. If you do get pushed under your tower, your ADC will find it hard to farm due to her poke.Ashe is really immobile and squishy. Try to catch her out of position at the start of the team fight so the enemy lacks consistent damage.Catch Ashe out of position when she goes to ward. You can then look to take Baron or the Dragon while she is dead.Ashe is much stronger in long skirmishes because it allows her to activate her Q.Dont go for extended trades with Ashe unless you can kill her.Don’t let Ashe push you under your tower early. If you do get pushed under your tower, your ADC will find it hard to farm due to her poke.


Aurelion sol

Wards and good communication is key against Aurelion Sol. Make sure you have the river warded at all times, and ping if he goes missing. Don’t be afraid to write in chat that he is missing too.CC is your best friend against Aurelion Sol. If you can lock him down with CC, it will be difficult for him to adjust his positioning for his Stars W. Additionally, as he has a poke champion, locking him down with CC as quickly as you can make it harder for him to dish out damage in the team fight.Wards and good communication is key against Aurelion Sol. Make sure you have the river warded at all times, and ping if he goes missing. Don’t be afraid to write in chat that he is missing too.CC is your best friend against Aurelion Sol. If you can lock him down with CC, it will be difficult for him to adjust his positioning for his Stars W. Additionally, as he has a poke champion, locking him down with CC as quickly as you can make it harder for him to dish out damage in the team fight.



CC is your best friend to counter his engage and the Shurima Shuffle. If he goes in, try and CC him as fast as possible to shut him down and prevent him from pushing your team towards his.Azir will try and delay a team fight and poke your teammates down with hisas much as possible before his team initiates. Don’t let him poke you down by starting the fight as soon as possible rather than delaying it.CC is your best friend to counter his engage and the Shurima Shuffle. If he goes in, try and CC him as fast as possible to shut him down and prevent him from pushing your team towards his.Azir will try and delay a team fight and poke your teammates down with hisas much as possible before his team initiates. Don’t let him poke you down by starting the fight as soon as possible rather than delaying it.



Bard’s early game is quite strong thanks to his empowered auto-attacks. Try not to let him bully and harass you for free otherwise you’ll never be able to engage or fight him- especially if you’re melee.When playing as a melee champion, don’t stand too close to him or the minion wave otherwise he can poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Walk forward when you want to harass or last hit, but return back to safety afterwards.As the game goes along, Bard becomes stronger and stronger as he collects more chimes. Keep this in mind when playing against him.Bard’s early game is quite strong thanks to his empowered auto-attacks. Try not to let him bully and harass you for free otherwise you’ll never be able to engage or fight him- especially if you’re melee.When playing as a melee champion, don’t stand too close to him or the minion wave otherwise he can poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Walk forward when you want to harass or last hit, but return back to safety afterwards.As the game goes along, Bard becomes stronger and stronger as he collects more chimes. Keep this in mind when playing against him.



In team fights, try to lock her down quickly so she is unable to auto-attack and dish out tons of damage.When she activates her E in a team fight, avoid using any burst abilities. Disengage or focus her quickly to take her down.If she oversteps or uses her Q too aggressively, lock her down and focus her in the team fight. Taking her out quickly will increase your chances of winning the game.Similarly, her attack speed can become extremely high in the late game. Try and end the game early so she cannot get so much attack speed.In team fights, try to lock her down quickly so she is unable to auto-attack and dish out tons of damage.When she activates her E in a team fight, avoid using any burst abilities. Disengage or focus her quickly to take her down.If she oversteps or uses her Q too aggressively, lock her down and focus her in the team fight. Taking her out quickly will increase your chances of winning the game.Similarly, her attack speed can become extremely high in the late game. Try and end the game early so she cannot get so much attack speed.



If Blitzcrank ever misses his Q ina team fight, make sure you focus him down and kill him while he’s out of position. He is quite vulnerable to CC and if you can lock him down, he’s an easy target.If Blitzcrank ever misses his Q ina team fight, make sure you focus him down and kill him while he’s out of position. He is quite vulnerable to CC and if you can lock him down, he’s an easy target.



A good time to fight Brand is when he’s out of mana or has an ability on cooldown. This will make trading much better for you as he will not be able to dish out a lot of damage (or possibly stun you if his Qis on cooldown) as he’ll have 1 less ability to use.A good time to fight Brand is when he’s out of mana or has an ability on cooldown. This will make trading much better for you as he will not be able to dish out a lot of damage (or possibly stun you if his Qis on cooldown) as he’ll have 1 less ability to use.



Braum doesn’t have the best of sustain in the early game. Try to harass and poke him down whenever he tries to last hit minions. If you can keep him low, he’ll never be able to engage.Braum doesn’t have the best of sustain in the early game. Try to harass and poke him down whenever he tries to last hit minions. If you can keep him low, he’ll never be able to engage.



Punishing Caitlyn in the early game will reduce her ability to snowball and destroy your tower. Try and set her behind by killing her over and over with assistance from your allies.Try and stay at max range away from Caitlyn at all times. This is especially true when Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready to fire. If she is holding her empowered auto, wait for her to use it before moving forward.Punishing Caitlyn in the early game will reduce her ability to snowball and destroy your tower. Try and set her behind by killing her over and over with assistance from your allies.Try and stay at max range away from Caitlyn at all times. This is especially true when Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready to fire. If she is holding her empowered auto, wait for her to use it before moving forward.



Try and stay closely grouped as a team when playing against Camille to make it very hard for her to engage. Camille will want to lock down an isolated target with her Ultimate,but by standing close together it will reduce her ability to do so. In addition to grouping closely, Camille cannot easily get on to the backline by running at the enemy. Instead, she will try to flank from the side. So whenever you’re sieging an objective or fighting in a lane, make sure you have sufficient ward coverage to the sides so you can spot her before she engages.Try and stay closely grouped as a team when playing against Camille to make it very hard for her to engage. Camille will want to lock down an isolated target with her Ultimate,but by standing close together it will reduce her ability to do so. In addition to grouping closely, Camille cannot easily get on to the backline by running at the enemy. Instead, she will try to flank from the side. So whenever you’re sieging an objective or fighting in a lane, make sure you have sufficient ward coverage to the sides so you can spot her before she engages.



In team fights, do not group closely together to make it impossible for her to land a 5 person Ultimate.Be prepared to turn around if she looks like she’s about to cast her Ultimate.Never fight the enemy in the jungle or around an objective as her Ultimateis really good in tight areas when teams are clumped together. Fight spaced out in a lane when possible.In team fights, do not group closely together to make it impossible for her to land a 5 person Ultimate.Be prepared to turn around if she looks like she’s about to cast her Ultimate.Never fight the enemy in the jungle or around an objective as her Ultimateis really good in tight areas when teams are clumped together. Fight spaced out in a lane when possible.



Cho’Gath’s abilities are crucial when it comes to winning team fight. Do not group too close together so he is unable to land his Qon your whole team.Whenever he has his Wor Qup, his survivability and self peel are heavily increased. Wait for him to use one of these abilities before engaging or fighting him.Cho’Gath’s abilities are crucial when it comes to winning team fight. Do not group too close together so he is unable to land his Qon your whole team.Whenever he has his Wor Qup, his survivability and self peel are heavily increased. Wait for him to use one of these abilities before engaging or fighting him.



When starting a team fight, you need to engage quickly. Corki will look to delay a team fight and poke with his Qand RIf you engage and fight quickly, he will not have time to poke you down.Do not fight when Corki has his Package ready. If he has hit up, try and wait for it to disappear before committing to a fight as it does deal lots of damage.When starting a team fight, you need to engage quickly. Corki will look to delay a team fight and poke with his Qand RIf you engage and fight quickly, he will not have time to poke you down.Do not fight when Corki has his Package ready. If he has hit up, try and wait for it to disappear before committing to a fight as it does deal lots of damage.



Darius is countered by anti-heal. Anti-Heal is helpful and absolute must in the late game. Anti-heal counters almost all of Darius' tankiness and ability to stay in fights.Try to disengage and kite Darius when he engages in a team fight. Try not to let him get on to you or your allies as he can deal tons of damage if he gets in range (E) to pullthem in.Darius is countered by anti-heal. Anti-Heal is helpful in lane and an absolute must in the late game. Anti-heal counters almost all of Darius' tankiness and ability to stay in fights.Try to disengage and kite Darius when he engages in a team fight. Try not to let him get on to you or your allies as he can deal tons of damage if he gets in range (E) to pullthem in.

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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide