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fkujuan's Tier List Patch 8.24

fkujuan's Tier List fkujuan's Tier List
Last updated on December 15, 2018
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New Tier List


Now that finals are over I'm back at it with another ****ing tier list this time featuring my favorite keystone Glacial Augment. Again, tier 1 will be ordered from best to worst but the rest of the tiers don't really matter to me so idgaf

For Enthusiasts Only

Glacial Augment Yorick is actually really good. Take Approach Velocity for maximum synergy. Once u love tap them with that pointy shovel of yours then your ghouls can go to town even if u miss your E since it's impossible to hit anyways and does 0 damage. Once they're slower than @gaybothe5th's brain is throw up the prison internment wall and you're literally challenger already. I dont think a champion synergizes better with it than Yorick which is why he's numba juan. Malphite up here for obvious reasons too. Why need to hit your point blank ult against a lux who didn't even need to flash when u could slap them to death with your frozen rock fists? Sions up here too because inting sion got a whole lot better with his passive. Pop ghostblade + glory and land that auto attac and you'll blow somebody up guaranteed. Jax is up here on the condition u take hexflash and lvl 2 gank mid yet always fail to get first blood. Morde, Nasus, Trundle, Udyr, and Volibear all up here because glacial augment helps them stick better to their targets and procc more on hit effects/abilities.


ACtually Can Use glp/Twin Shadows

These are who you should actually pick (besides tier 1) with glacial augment. Especially on ARAM + ingenious hunter glps on like a 20 second cooldown and twin shadows is like 30 seconds. Thats impressive considering the cooldowns are probably shorter  than the time it takes for me to bust a nut.


Would probably Beat @bokbchoy's Vayne

ACtually half decent at the champ although i'd say the biggest problem is getting out of lane with a K/D over 0.5. Sometimes the vayne special has moments of glory and popoff worthy plays, but ultimately I feel it is condemned to lose. hehe xd. These champs are here because either they're riot champs and don't need a viable keystone, can cheese their way to victory, or the glacial augment helps them land otherwise impossible skillshots (karthus)


Would Maybe lose versus @bobkchoy's Kai'sa

if you thought the bchoy vayne special was something then the kai'sa is on another level. While this particular pick does struggle with lane again, I'd say the biggest issue was champion select. While losing to bokbchoy's kai'sa is an extremely rare (maybe never) occurence, glacial augment on these champions just sucks massive ****. You're probably better off picking lethal tempo.  Would lose to the vayne


Would Probably Lose to @PoisonedWater69

this man does not lane period. I don't think i've saw him in a lane even to gank since season 4. He used to be a nunu one trick until rito stripped away his beloved grunchy champion. Now he's left playing udyr, volibear, and ivern with the mechanics of a sloth and the brain of a monkey. To say that a champion would probably lose to this man is equivalent to the chances of losing my virginity especially after writing this cringey *** ****ing tier list at 4am in the morning like the degenerate I am.this man does not lane period. I also don't know why this description is printing twice on the tier list but i guess this is why we don't use mobafire anymore smhthis man does not lane period. I don't think i've saw him in a lane even to gank since season 4. He used to be a nunu one trick until rito stripped away his beloved grunchy champion. Now he's left playing udyr, volibear, and ivern with the mechanics of a sloth and the brain of a monkey. To say that a champion would probably lose to this man is equivalent to the chances of losing my virginity especially after writing this cringey *** ****ing tier list at 4am in the morning like the degenerate I am.this man does not lane period. I also don't know why this description is printing twice on the tier list but i guess this is why we don't use mobafire anymore smh

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