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FuzzyFuz's Support Tier List [10.21] Patch 10.21

FuzzyFuz's Tier List FuzzyFuz's Tier List
Last updated on October 20, 2020
9299 31
28 Votes


Up-vote if you agree with my tier list, if you down-vote please explain your thinking in the comment, I am always looking for ways to improve my tier lists.

s tier support

Op with any ADC


A tier

legit champs but require a more active ADC


b tier



C tier

Will lose a handful of matchups


d tier

you must get very lucky if you want to win


F tier

Do not play in this role

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frogirl | October 20, 2020 10:04am
In my opinion i think leona should be a higher role than lux , since lux support most of the time brings less things to offer to the adc most of the time.But most of the things here are pretty accurate.
FuzzyFuz (1) | October 20, 2020 10:24am
I think that Lux support can be more helpful in low elos if you take a full ap build, I haven't had much experience with Leonas in this meta but I will move her up a tier
Netou | May 20, 2020 11:08am
I think Nautilus should be at least A-tier due to his pick potential and if built tank, helps a lot in teamfights.
Maybe Yuumi should be in upper levels too, there's a reason of why she is banned so frequently, a bad Yuumi won't be worse than a bad support overall, but a good Yuumi has a lot of teamfight potential and make a tank invincible.
Fiidlesticks should also be in upper tiers after the buffs, so he is now a viable support (yet again after the nerfs/buffs rollercoaster)
MaximusPrime (2) | May 21, 2020 12:57pm
Isn't fiddle support's winrate super low right now though? Although that may be because people just aren't spending the time to learn how to optimize his kit as a support.
Netou | May 24, 2020 12:59am
Agreed, he has lowered a lot since the nerfs he got, but he deserves at least to be in the mid section due to his high utility in lane phase and teamfights too.
FuzzyFuz (1) | May 20, 2020 12:52pm
Kokonat89 (1) | April 17, 2020 1:30am
In my opinion Thresh is far below Blitzcrank. The first one needs an active adc and that is able to catch the opportunities after the hook, the second one is very independent in its grabs and in its play. Besides the fact that Blitzcrank with his right grabs is able to isolate a character thus bringing a lot of advantage to his team, while Thresh must throw himself into the fray to do his dirty job. Anyway good tieri list, come check mine and leave your opinion :)
Lichton (3) | April 3, 2020 8:27am
This might sound insane but where is SHACO? My boy is actually pretty decent in the support, and he's extremely powerful late game.
FuzzyFuz (1) | April 3, 2020 8:32am
What, Shaco support... I have never heard of a sadder thing in my life. Shaco can't even jungle right(Check out Professor Josh's jungle tier list if you want proof), so how should he be able to play support role. Fine I'll put him onto the tier list, he will be in the... F TIER.
FuzzyFuz (1) | April 16, 2020 12:29pm
I am sorry if this comment offended you, it was not intended to be personal, but if you expect me to put Shaco in some of the higher tiers, I will need proof that anyone even plays Shaco support
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SELORONIOS (118) | March 31, 2020 6:45am
sorry that I'm writing and complaining again xD... but Pyke is the only one to be in F tier?? he's one of my 3 most banned champs as sup (after Blitzcrank and Nautilus). He can snowball very well and even if he doesn't get fed he still got grab, stun, ms boost and a finisher. I rarely play pyke, but I've seen many scary pykes who carry their team as a SUP...
FuzzyFuz (1) | March 31, 2020 10:35am
Pyke needs to get very fed to carry effectively, else he dies away late game. I might consider raising him up a few tiers tho
Wicked Cherry (162) | March 15, 2020 3:20am
Hey FuzzyFuz,
I think you've got a nice tier list here.
However, I happened to notice that you're missing Soraka for instance. Especially after the recent nerf, I wonder where you'd put her in your list. I also think that Nami should be in the top tier since she can peel, heal and deal damage on at least the same level as supports like Bard can.

Just my thoughts. Let me know what you're thinking. :)

Cheers, Wicked Cherry.
FuzzyFuz (1) | March 16, 2020 9:07am
FYI Saroka is in the A tier section of the list
Wicked Cherry (162) | March 16, 2020 11:06am
Oh alright. My bad then that I didn't see her! What about her recent nerfs though? Like she's not dead but I believe she got nerfed in patch 10.4

P. S.: You can also edit your own posts. Simply click on the beige "Edit" to make your favored changes. :)
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FuzzyFuz (1) | March 16, 2020 9:08am
FuzzyFuz (1) | March 16, 2020 9:06am
I will make changes to my tier list based on your request

Thank you for helping improve my tier list
FuzzyFuz (1) | March 10, 2020 6:17pm
just a reminder, if you have any recommendations for this tier list, post them here
FuzzyFuz (1) | March 10, 2020 5:03pm
Soon I will be posting a Caitlyn guide for noobs on mobafire
Ionia King | March 10, 2020 4:50pm
You're missing a lot of supports, and Xayah isn't a support. Rakan is lol. Pyke is very strong in lane especially since he has the power to roam and he can guarentee kills, Zyra's roots also can guarentee a kill. Yuumi on the right adc like Ezreal is a hard lane to win against because they have a lot of poke and the ability to escape with ease. Zilean doesn't work too well as a support anymore and he's had more play as a mid-laner now. Taric is one of the highest winrate supports in high elo because of his lockdown so you can take that into consideration as well.
FuzzyFuz (1) | March 10, 2020 4:52pm
I agree, except that Pyke is a very bad support with a mediocre early game, but you know how those squishy assassins go, they completely fall apart mid and late game
Ionia King | March 10, 2020 5:08pm
Pyke has a really strong early game and falls off late unless he gets fed in lane, just like all assassins tbh. Also dissapointed you put rakan in D tier considering he's a very active pick in LCS and arguably an A tier support because of the sheer amount of aoe cc he can provide to a team lol. You're also missing Janna, Braum, Leona, Bard, Morgana, and Karma. Veigar isn't really a support he's more of a 'kill lane' with Glacial Augment. If you're going to add those types into the list you might as well add Ashe and Miss Fortune since they can play the role of support for a kill lane with heavy slows from their kit.
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FuzzyFuz (1) | March 10, 2020 4:52pm
I will take your comment into consideration
FuzzyFuz (1) | March 10, 2020 4:41pm
Guys, I hope that you agree with this tier list. If you have any suggestions, please comment down below also please subscribe to my youtube channel FuzzyFuz, with your help I may be posting videos daily sometime soon.
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