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Greatest Bot laners (Updated Edition) Patch 10.17

EvoNinja7's Tier List EvoNinja7's Tier List
Last updated on August 28, 2020
4451 3
1 Votes
New Tier List


This is through my experience League community, so don't smash your keyboard trying to explain why Ezrael belongs in God Class.

God Class

The best of them all.


Dragon class

Annoying as hell.


Demon class

Annoying but kill able.

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SELORONIOS (118) | May 19, 2020 2:25pm
Morgana support, Morgana mid, Morgana jungle and now Morgana adc... when I see Morgana the roles list will complete :/
Her Q is really easy to dodge, I dunno why people make it such a big deal...
oops, I just saw your note -_-
I'm not yelling though .-. But it seems painful when I imagine having a Morgana adc...
edit note: Wow I just saw Lee Sin and Sett :| nevermind though. I just don't like morg xD
EvoNinja7 (18) | May 20, 2020 1:40am
Wait, I put Morgan's there because she is support, or is she actually an ADC? If so, that's the stupidest thing since fiddlesticks mid. Lee sin and sett can be used as support or ADC's surprisingly. I see why you have Morgana if your a Kayle fan...
SELORONIOS (118) | May 20, 2020 2:58am
hmmm, I thought this tier list is about ADCs. Sorry I misunderstood ._.
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