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HouYi's Tier List Patch 7.13

HouYi's Tier List HouYi's Tier List
Last updated on July 5, 2017
1611 2
2 Votes
New Tier List

Pantheon Tips

Pantheon: Pantheon is a top/jungle champion.I main Pantheon (7lv) and what I learned is "Pantheon is Unstoppable"!! At the begging I couldn't play, my score was 2/8 etc. ! But now, I know "How To Pantheon"! (sry for bad spelling)

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LuxIsMyCrush (13) | July 5, 2017 10:34am
hi i think you are in wrong side, for build and things for only a champ you can create a guide for this champ, is pretty simple, just press "create guide" on the top of the site and you could get more attention and tell us more about how you play this champ or should must be playable very efficient ^.^
HouYi (1) | July 5, 2017 12:49pm
Hey I edited one of my "tier lists" so if you want you can check it out an tell me your opinion!(again)^-^
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