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Irelia Top Patch 13.1 Tier List Patch 13.2

The Tranimal's Tier List The Tranimal's Tier List
Last updated on January 30, 2023
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S11 D1 100 LP Irelia main matchup tier list for Irelia Toplane


These matchups are absolutely free despite Irelia being pretty weak on 12.10. These matchups are usually incredibly easy to snowball the lane against, whether through constant kills or wave management



These matchups are easy to win without jungle interference, but may be a little bit harder to just absolutely curb stomp during lane phase


easy to punish but you Have to punish or else

A lot of these matchups are pretty "easy" to play and even win, but if you don't get a lead and keep the ball rolling hard it's easy to lose your footing against them. I'm also putting matchups that may be "easy" to get ahead of but need to be curb stomped in order to really be "winning" while also are able to remain relatively safe (some of the tanks)I'm also putting matchups that may be "easy" to get ahead of but need to be curb stomped in order to really be "winning" while also are able to remain relatively safe (some of the tanks) *MALPHITE ONLY LISTED IF HE TAKES COMET*


Skill Matchup

These matchups can go either way. Some of them used to be favored, but due to recent changes to the game they're a lot more swingy. Usually the jungler or just player skill difference decides which way these matchups sway.


Bad matchup

These matchups are either favored towards the enemy during lane phase OR are so hard to actually keep behind pace that they "have a lead" in terms of usefulness by a large margin by time the end of lane rolls around. There are usually ways to play around these lanes and even in some cases win them but it's not in your favor *MALPHITE LISTED WITH GRASP*



If the enemy is competent at the matchup and understands their champion these matchups offer very little counterplay. Sometimes there are small tips and tricks you can use to gain a lead here and there, but it's very, very rare that you win these lanes. And then, even if you do somehow, they will outscale you



Yeet off a cliff. They'll body you early then dive you with their jungler on repeat

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