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KamiKZ patch 8.14 tier list for Top, Jungle, Mid ADC and support with video + stream Patch 8.14

KamiKZ's Tier List KamiKZ's Tier List
Last updated on July 24, 2018
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New Tier List


KamiKhaZix´s patch 8.14 tier list for Top, Jungle, Mid, ADC and Support rated S = Optimal, A = great and B = good

Patch 8.14 Mobalytics Top Jungle Mid ADC and Support tier list:

Patch 8.14 Tarzaned jungle tier list:

Tarzaned Jungle tier list:

S+ tier
Kindred, Graves, Trundle

S tier
Pantheon, Kha'zix, Xin Zhao, Taliyah, Nocturne

A tier
Camille, Poppy, Evelynn, Udyr

B tier
Nidalee, Skarner, Rengar, Jax, Shaco

If you have any questions feel free to ask them here or on my stream:

My account:

S tier top laners

Best top laners


A tier top laners

Great top laners


B tier top laners

Good top laners


S tier Junglers

Best junglers


A tier junglers

Great junglers


B tier junglers

Good junglers


S tier midlaners

Best mid laners


A tier midlaners

Great mid laners


B tier midlaners

Good mid laners


S tier ADC

Best ADC`s


A tier ADC

Great ADC`s


B tier ADC

Good ADC´s


S tier supports

Best supports


A tier Supports

Great supports


B tier supports

Good supports

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hadbre (12) | June 28, 2018 10:10am
Hello, I love this list, and I'm really happy to see Kled in S tier, I love that champion! But I would like to ask you a couple of questions.
-1. I want to ask you about Nocturne. I heard about him going mid-lane, but I didn't thought people do it in ranked. And when I and when I think of it, I see why it could work. Could you pls tell me about his match-ups in mid?
-2. Kennen mid; Why isn't he mentioned for mid? If you take him mid with predator, you can easily roam, and enemy will hardly survive your engage power and cc (his dmg is also nice).
KamiKZ (7) | June 28, 2018 3:13pm
Hello I am glad that you enjoyed this list and yes Kled is finally S tier for the firs time in a long time.

1. Yes nocturne mid is thing and it is played in ranked, his difficulties is against ranged control mages who can zone him from exp and gold in the early game so nocturne won´t get his item early and start snowballing, so mid laners who has long range and high poke damage is a problem for nocturne, while assassins or low range mid laners are not as bad to play against in the early game. If you know specific champions, Anivia is very hard for nocturne to deal with, while champions such as fizz are quite easy to manage in and out side of lane.
2. The reason why Kennen mid isn´t mentioned in this tier list is because I personally haven´t seen much of Kennen either mid or top, though Kennen works quite well since he got some recent AP buff ratios, so it is probably viable in some scenarios.

If you want even further detail about the nocturne mid I can try to do some research on it and give you a very detailed explanation of almost all match ups for Nocturne mid :)

You can also ask me on stream:
hadbre (12) | June 29, 2018 2:57pm
Well, i'm not that much of a Nocturne player, but i am interested in this, so if you really don't feel like doing anything else, I would be grateful for those match up. And I want to ask you when do you stream?
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