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MOBAFire's final Mini Guide Contest of Season 14 is here! Create or update guides for the 30 featured champions and compete for up to $200 in prizes! 🏆

League of Legends champions ranked from please put a baby in me to excuse me miss but I'm gay/ excus Patch 12.22

ThatsKindaSwaggy's Tier List ThatsKindaSwaggy's Tier List
Last updated on November 16, 2022
1214 0
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New Tier List

Give me an entire family please

Champions that I would like most to put a baby in me, multiple times


Girl's a bit quirky but okay why not

Maybe just one or two


Kiss on the cheek, very good sweet sweetie

No babies but plenty of kisses


This is my child I am adopting

I am simply adopting these they are the light of my life


Stinky jail

I still like these rats though


Excuse me I have a boyfriend

no way


Excuse me YOU have a boyfriend

I know I didn't put Jayce here but he belongs in that tier sorry


The rest of them I frankly have no opinion on :)


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