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Mid Lane Champion Difficulty Tier List Patch 11.10

nraxxr's Tier List nraxxr's Tier List
Last updated on May 25, 2021
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New Tier List


From top (easiest) to bottom (hardest), this tier list will over some slight insight into which champions will be the hardest to pick up.

point and click adventure game

You play this game for fun and don't want anything mechanically demanding. 


Casual gamer

This is like the above tier but with some actual real skillshots. 


heating up a little bit 

You are actually taking the game kind of seriously now and think its time to learn a real champion. 


it's too late, they have you

You probably spend a little more time playing this game than you'd like. You've fallen into the league of legends trap. 


twitch streamer

Bro nobody cares about your montage. These champs are for sweaty players (me included) who think anything below this tier shouldn't exist because they're too easy. 


don't even bother

Are you okay dude?

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