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Most likely to AFK champions Patch 12.22

Lavi Sorrow's Tier List Lavi Sorrow's Tier List
Last updated on December 2, 2022
2835 3
2 Votes
New Tier List


This is based on real statistics from ranked games from all RIOT servers.
Players playing which champions afk the most? Check out.

0,9%+ games afk

% of ranked games when these champions afk


0,8%-0,89% GAMES AFK

Tier Description


0,5%-0,59% games afk

Tier Description


0,4%-0,49% Games AFk

Tier Description

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Alphaomegalogs (2) | November 18, 2022 9:09am
also I think yuumi should be at the top cuz she always afk
Alphaomegalogs (2) | November 18, 2022 9:08am
Quite the interesting tier list. Where did you get the data?
Lavi Sorrow (2) | December 1, 2022 11:38pm
from leagueofgraphs. Thanks, took me some time to place champions in correct positions:P
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