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My personal champion pool Patch 11.21

Aireszita's Tier List Aireszita's Tier List
Last updated on October 20, 2021
9306 18
4 Votes
New Tier List


I don't play a lot and my champion pool is still quite limited, but here it is! If you have any suggestions or opinions you'd like to share, you're very welcome to do so! I appreciate it.

MID Lane

Mid Lane is where I usually go. Ahri, Neeko and Aurelion Sol are my favourite picks by far.



This is my second most played role. I usually play enchanters or unconventional supports if I am feeling like it! 


top lane

These may be quite exotic picks however I really enjoy them. :)



I'm not great at this role, but I find it enjoyable if I'm with a premade!



I never play jungle, but if I really have to, I'll probably take one of these.



I own and enjoy these champions but have barely played them outside ARAM or seasonal modes. I'd really like to learn how to play them! 

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tha soup (3) | October 24, 2021 11:31am
Nice pool, you like the mages a lot don't you? XD
Also i have question... do you play ahri top as mid? or do you play her like a dps mage with conqueror?
You can try to play varus, maybe you like him because he isn't a basic attacks champ (at least with the lethality build) :D
Aireszita (5) | October 24, 2021 4:40pm
Thank you! <3 Yeah I sure do! :D I don't feel confident at all when playing melee champions (even in ARAMs, which is pretty much the only game mode I have to play them xD).

I usually take Ahri top with the same build as mid (and I like corrupting pot a lot on both lanes especially on top) but the DPS mage with conqueror way sounds really interesting. I should try that!

Thanks for the suggestion! :D I actually didn't remember him when I was thinking of champions I'd like to learn. Gonna try him once I get his champion shard (or when he's on the free rotation) since I'm saving up on BE for the emporium.
tha soup (3) | October 28, 2021 2:51pm
hehe :D
Karinutsa (75) | October 20, 2021 11:15am
Quite interesting picks you have here. Hope you are having fun with them <3
Aireszita (5) | October 23, 2021 4:42am
Thank you! <3 I sure do!
Doody_tco (26) | October 14, 2020 12:02am
Ahri top? well that's interesting!
I'm not familiar with the champions you want to learn except for Miss Fortune, and she's easy. Just learn tricks (less than 5) and you'll master her in no time :D (Main Miss Fortune... Main ADC)
Good Luck btw :)
Aireszita (5) | October 14, 2020 3:45pm
I actually got the Ahri top idea from a friend that mains her top lane! I was pretty surprised when he told me he played Ahri there. It made me want to try it out aswell!

Miss Fortune seems like a fun ADC to play! Honestly, the main thing keeping me from going ADC role is how poor my CS'ing skills are. But I guess I'll have to try it sometime! Maybe with some practice I'll actually enjoy it ^_^ Thank you for the comment and good luck to you aswell!
Doody_tco (26) | October 14, 2020 6:41pm
Well, Akali is top too, so it's not a surprise at all to find people play Ahri top... I mean, many champions positions have changed such as Lucian mid (and sometimes top) and Pyke mid. Those changes makes me wonder if Urgot will go mid or I have to face him as ADC (hopefully not xD)

Thank you for the reply :)
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yicongCOD | October 9, 2020 9:54am
I like these champions but not its player base. Assassin and Bruiser mains have way better player base. The real reason is that you guys complain too much about my champions Yasuo Yone and melee assassins both AD and AP like Fizz Ekko Zed Katarina Talon
Aireszita (5) | October 10, 2020 5:10am
I feel like the champions I complain the most about are Kassadin and Vladimir. Although I can usually win these matchups pre-6 they really start to hurt afterwards. I don't have much of an issue against Yone or Yasuo, windwall is annoying but it's okay to play around it. As for the assassins I can't speak about Fizz because he's the champion I ban basically every game,but the others can be fun matchups to play against I guess.
Thank you for your comment!
Tauricus2017 (120) | August 20, 2020 4:51pm
Oh you play Soraka? Great choice m' friend! Because of your great taste I've gotta have some questions real quick: Do you have any skin on her? Do you rather play good and rewarding keystone runes on her or you rather play Summon Aery? Do you have any favourite voice lines?

Also as for champions you'd like to learn. My personal recommendation is Xayah. Even though I don't consider her very fun to play, her playstyle is very interesting and unique and there are a lot of things you learn by playing her.

Last of all I'd like to ask you If I could print screen your Mobafire profile page? That's because I see you are an Aurelion Sol player and I'd like to have a picture of almost an extinct existence <3
Aireszita (5) | August 22, 2020 2:35pm
Soraka was one of my first champions to pick up when I came back to the game, since I wanted to play botlane with a friend! I have the Winter Wonder skin for her, I think it is really lovely! Also I usual take the "Summon Aery" rune ^-^ I really like the extra poke and shielding it gives! As for the voice lines I can't really remember hehe

I'll make sure to try Xayah sometime, thank you for telling me what you think of her!

And of course you can print screen it! I really enjoy Aurelion Sol even if I'm not that great at him XD I love the space noodle!

Thank you for your comment! :D
League_of_fails | August 20, 2020 6:27am
I disagree with your adc and jungle champs since a tier list is supposed to help others. If you are making a tier list for yourself don't put it on mobafire
Tauricus2017 (120) | August 20, 2020 4:39pm
As far as I know Mobafire has never been just a place where players get teached. On this platform I have already seen fanfictions, funny humorous guides, meme guides, Marvel and DC tierlists, build in which you max your ultimate on level 1, 2, 3 and 4 and so much more. I myself have created a guide about completely different game on this site. Why? Because Why the hell not?? Rules of Mobafire are extremely soft in terms of content restriction and that is one of the reasons this website is so amazing and great!
Aireszita (5) | August 20, 2020 2:58pm
As far as I'm aware, not all of these lists are meant as "tier lists" to help others. This is not a guide.
Also, I am not a player experienced enough to provide information like that to others, and that is stated in the descriptions of the list which I advise you to read. Thank you for your input and have a nice day!
Silverman43 (85) | August 21, 2020 12:06am
In terms of content, the rules aren't that strict. This kind of tier list is definitely allowed. I've seen many tier lists like this before and they are all completely fine. Mobafire is for everyone, no matter how experienced you are! :) Have a nice day!
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