I have tried all of these as supports, some of them I even play often.
Why is this not played more as a support?
Champions that to me seem like really good supports
champions that seem to fit into the support role just fine
Could work, but has some minor drawbacks
Champions that work well as supports, but may not be that good in specific situations or lack something crucial for supporting.
Could work, but has some SIGNIFICANT drawbacks
Champions that could work as supports, but have drawbacks or lack something that greatly hampers their ability to work as a support, but may be great against specific types of champions
Does not work
Okay, maybe you can make it work, but it's probably going to be hard
Does not work at all
Champions that simply cannot be used as supports. Trust me, I have tried.
Also, yo ucan probably gank other lanes super easy, as well as helping jungler.
This is just what I think, I'll probably try it at some point and int xD
haven't played him in ranked at all but in normals, He can work if played well (preferably against melee sups or Yasuo ADCs).
thanks for reading.
-a random Nocturne main, +500k MPs.
Worry not, though, I will try my best to find other champions that are just as bad, so he won't be alone down there! Even at the cost of many games.
You can try Zed if you know how to play him. It's absolutely amazing to punish enemy mistakes combined with the First Strike rune setup. I got my M7 on him playing it as sup with my Ahri Bot duo :D
Got +20 kills on a few games and got my M7 much faster than expected. I usually play him Mid or Jungle but he was so good at punishing bad plays that I could manage to easily get fed. His poke and lvl6 power spike are huge.
BUT, it was before his Ultimate damage got nerfed...
I generally enjoy playing Off-Meta on Bot/Sup roles when I'm playing with my Duo (I legitimately managed to get fed on Nocturne ADC crit build while playing with my Duo...)
I guess these stuff wouldn't work so well with random people tho...
for ideas u could try
ICY FIDDLESTICKS: glacial on fiddle and imperial as mithic ( rush zhonias though if needed) to make supercheesy ice damagefields, careful ur ults weak then ofc unless u get the fear or use as followup sidedamage.
ICY NUNU: glacial makes nunu an alright engage support and quite fun with evenshroud
Vi schroud: evenschroud vi is a fun engage type
Zac: support with glacial or afterschock is so fun
Vex : not my style sadly but high dmg engage is fun with crown/ everfrost
nidalee with comet : pain on both sides
Taliyah : while hard is fun , now shes easier than ever before in support
Teemo: seems to rise due to q max 3 second blind
lastly while truly Bronze full ap NASUS support will make your day if you ludens delete someone with e
Except I only have fiddle and vex xD
My blue essence reserves are so low, but I'll see if I can try that fiddle build. If I can get an adc that agrees on it.
And again, thanks for your suggestions, they may aid me in my quest for trying all champions as supports.
maybe if they rotate for free just try them in a blind game, there noone cares if you play an offmeta champ as most dont even know what most champs do XD.
Nunu is 450 BE u could try that and maybe overtime take more, many ap champs make ok supports bcs of items such as crown or everfrost ( literally gives u a free 1,5 s root ).
but hey free week exists.
Malphite may actually be fit for support with the right runes, ones that give him enough mana to poke, but it is a long time since I last tried him, so I don't exactly remember how much mana he uses, and while his Ground Slam is really good against adc's, it requires him to be close to them ... Not an ideal situation for a non-mobile rock.
Ivern just isn't very well suited for laning.
But then again, I'm not a Lilia main, and honestly that kind of champion just isn't my style.
the only reason anivia isnt used much is just managating, she takes a bit to get going and other mages pack similar things on a better early budget like swain and lux, shes definetely good in good hands.
I'm just really curious on how rek'sai support is supposed to work. My guess is using the tunnels as a roaming tool?