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Off meta jungle Patch 13.19

SammyStarlight's Tier List SammyStarlight's Tier List
Last updated on September 29, 2023
20884 2
0 Votes
New Tier List

Truly the strongest

Unbeatable ungankable impossible to invade. A god among gods.


"off meta"

Off meta in name alone, was in meta play at 


out of the norm

Commonly known off metas that I still see


Can compete with meta

Picks that are on par with meta that aren't popular


Can compete with a little effort

Able to face off against meta champs but can be shafted hard


Hardest picks 

Viable picks that take significant effort and are countered more than most


almost inting

Really almost bad picks that can be made up for with skill

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SammyStarlight | June 11, 2024 8:17pm
I abandoned this because it just was a terrible experience
motormouth333 | November 22, 2023 5:17pm
Zyra needs to be wayyyy higher. Have you seen her clear speed? Also, Ziggs too high and fizz is too low.
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