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Patch 12.3 - Toplane  Patch 12.3

Phaentom's Tier List Phaentom's Tier List
Last updated on February 5, 2022
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New Tier List


Hello everyone! This is a personal tier list that is not based on win rate. No tier list is perfect. This tier list will consist of the current toplane meta, ranked from S tier (best) to OFF Meta (not viable). Also keep in mind that some of these champions perform better in low or high elo. Share your thoughts on the comments below, and give a vote!

If this tier list has proved itself helpful, feel free to take a glimpse on my twitch channel!

S tier

Overpowered in every aspect. Prioritized over every other champion outside of its category. These champions snowball hard, scale well, and have a very good laning phase in the current patch. 



Very strong and reliable picks in the current meta. Good overall. These champions are very good at fulfilling their role: dueling, splitting, teamfighting, and scaling.  



Somewhat viable. Although they have good situations to be picked in, they either take way too much to scale, are seen as counters to some current meta champions, or are very snowball reliant.



Not really viable due to the lack of: good matchups, splitting, or teamfighting. However, useful in some situations. Not really viable



Usually played by OTPs. Is good in some rare situation but mostly not all. Although they may shine in some aspects the many negative factors compensate for their good part. Such factors are: long scaling, poor matchups, lack of split pushing, or teamfight potential. These champions also lack play rate to be rated higher.

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