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personal rage list ಠ_ಠ Patch 10.4

semisomniac's Tier List semisomniac's Tier List
Last updated on March 3, 2020
5695 20
13 Votes


Just a place to write down what champs are annoying as hell to me... yes, these are biased and not taken too seriously, so please don't get salty. WIP


picks I hate seeing as a support player


let me play the game ffs

not an assassin fan, just let me be sad in peace. seriously though. if you were gonna kill me, couldn't you at least leave me more than half a second to say some last words?


General annoyances

maybe they aren't necessarily busted, nor are they botlaners or assassins, but I hate seeing these guys too



if the enemy has them and they have any idea how the game works, you don't get to play the game

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sprayo | April 16, 2019 2:09am
Yeah rq just wanna say you're tier list is completely out of whack or even broken champs, I don't even know why I'm here lmao.
semisomniac (13) | April 16, 2019 12:10pm
"yes, these are biased and not taken too seriously, so please don't get salty"
DeadlyOmen (8) | April 10, 2019 1:00am
Thank you for not including Teemo I will remember this, I am quite thankful actually. Dear regards teemo enthusiast
semisomniac (13) | April 10, 2019 3:16pm
I usually don't have to deal with Teemo myself, since I don't play top lane. Plus I've used him in the support role before.
shadow211121 (5) | February 5, 2019 6:06pm
what about darius xd
semisomniac (13) | February 6, 2019 12:21am
idk, unless he Flashes or Ghosts on me I usually outrun the Dariuses I see in game... it's not super terrible or anything
RainbowNova (5) | February 5, 2019 7:29am
What would you review Gray Screen simulator? I'd personally review it a 5/5 whenever the Zed character is on my screen and even off of it, because it gives me a 99% runtime 60 fps 20 ms constantly. All I have to do is walk to my lane and wait for him to notice me, before GSS starts again!

-"Chaos builds over time" RainbowNova
semisomniac (13) | February 5, 2019 4:35pm
Ah yes, Gray Screen Simulator! Not just Zed, but Talon, Rengar, and Blue Kayn too :P I had a Talon that was flipping over walls to ult me on cooldown... I mean, I do enjoy the color grey, but that much was perhaps TOO much, so I bought Frozen Heart. On Nami.

I'll give GSS a 4/5.
Corvux (9) | January 14, 2019 10:11pm
Those are the ones you consider are annoying to play against?
semisomniac (13) | January 15, 2019 12:36am
yes, this is kind of just a jumble of champs that annoy me when I play against them haha
Corvux (9) | January 15, 2019 8:19am
oh ok
C1ber_N8va (1) | January 8, 2019 5:12am
I remember one day there was an Aatrox(new Aatrox of course) with guardian angel and there was an Zilean on his team.

semisomniac (13) | January 9, 2019 1:23pm
that sounds absolutely terrible to face
NDarKnight (24) | November 30, 2018 8:53am
Greetings semisomniac, i was passing by tier list and came here, this is well picked tier list, the reason i comment right now is that you forgot some champions like zoe, she is so much powerfull, i never had game with zoe without anyone in game raging.
semisomniac (13) | November 30, 2018 11:02am
KuuHaKu_OtgmZ (55) | November 5, 2018 7:44am
No problem with Jhin/MF? kkkk but I agree with most of this list, they give them 5 minutes alone and they get a whole game powerspike that comes from nowhere. Really, 19:59 - Nasus 0/7 | 20:00 - Nasus 9999/7 hyper-tank. WAT?? Tanks are weird
semisomniac (13) | November 5, 2018 7:19pm
This is fair, I definitely think MF does a ton of damage and I considered putting Jhin on here, but the fix to his Hail of Blades attack damage sated me a bit. Nasus is quite annoying, with his stupid wither and his 150000 stack damage... at least I never see him though.
hadbre (12) | November 5, 2018 7:35am
Lmao I like 15 champs from this list, and half of those I play, my 2 mains are here as well x)
semisomniac (13) | November 5, 2018 7:18pm
zzz I'm just not much of an assassin fan xd all the champs I play don't build defensive stats EVER
hadbre (12) | November 6, 2018 5:55am
Lol, feels bad friend :/
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