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scdoodle's Tier List Patch 7.16

scdoodle's Tier List scdoodle's Tier List
Last updated on August 16, 2017
1077 0
2 Votes
New Tier List


Top Five Low Elo SoloQ Junglers to carry with

NuMber 5

His entire kit makes him a great jungler. Whether its going for early gank, clearing the jungle, or assassinating enemy carries at the late game. His ult is a great tool for securing kills, and if you looking for a good ad jungler thats got a lot of outplay potential and a strong level 6 gank. He does however have a really high skill ceiling. 


Number 4

His kit allows him to farm the jungle pretty quickly, gank well due to the fact he can fly behind his enemy's to knock a carry to your team, and he over all does a lot of damage while building tanky similarly to Rengar  


Number 3

She has a flawless jungle clear, meaning if you know what you doing you can clear the entire jungler with out losing any health. On top of her incredible jungler clear she has great gank potential, can 1v1 almost any jungler, and turnes into a great ap tank late game. 


Number 2

She has 2 gap closing crowd controls and he ultimate crowd control is really good for locking down a specific champion. she has high damage meaning if she gets an early kill she can build ad and crush and the enemy team. she all so has a pretty fast jungle clear and a shield passive that can help her in the jungle or in a fight against and enemy  


Number 1

When Kha'Zix gets ahead by even a little he can absolutely decimate the enemy. The bonus damage you get from isolating a target with Kha'Zix q, with the fact that you can reset his leap makes. Add in invisibility from his ultimate and healing from his w. He is now a monster that is tough to kill. Due to his isolation damage he can take buffs and jungle camps that don't have another monster with it. Yes that includes dragons, Rift, and Baron. Kha'Zix is a bit hard to play, but with a few games of practice and a guide or two you will be ready to play him in ranked.

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