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Serea's ARAM tier list Patch 8.10

Serea_skis's Tier List Serea_skis's Tier List
Last updated on May 19, 2018
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New Tier List


ARAM tier list based on my around 3k ARAM games from the start of 2017-now. I tried to "average" the experience on a given champion based on this criteria:

At least 50+ games experience with any champion. If you have less than that, the champion would probably be 1-2 ranks lower.

"Playing a champion well", which means playing and building in the most optimal way possible. If you build a statik shiv on Lux she probably won't have S+ results, but this is true for less obvious choices too. Knowing when to choose to rush MR vs a poke team instead of building damage early can make a huge difference in the game you have.

The likely hood a champion can carry, meaning they were a deciding factor in a win, or contributing, which means they may not be the single decisive factor, but they were essential through different situations and generally helped ensure victory. IMO there isn't really a clear way to define either of these, and they both can be achieved through damage, CC, play-making, and support.

Typically I reroll anything that falls below A Tier, but every game and team is different. Sometimes a B champion is still a smarter option than a S- based on the match-up.


Great in almost any game. Frequently carry, but even a below average game should leave them competitive. Rerolling almost never good.  



Typically very good to great, but capable of having rare bad match-ups. Carrying should be typical, and they will almost always be a factor.



Usually very good, but not as good as other champions in their classes. Can be weak to certain team-comps. When played well will usually carry, and typically contribute well. 



Strong when played well, but weaker when misplayed than S-tiers. Often countered, but can still carry with good play.  



A win is a coin-flip. Obvious weaknesses may be a a limit to carrying. Can be too dependent on teammates playing extremely well, bad games may mean little-to know contribution. 



Typically bad, only good with extreme experience and/or favorable match-ups. Even the best games may not mean carrying to a win, the worst games will mean these champions are pretty useless.  

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