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Sett Skin Tier List Patch 10.20

qTAKp's Tier List qTAKp's Tier List
Last updated on October 1, 2020
4981 2
2 Votes
New Tier List


Tier Description



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Doody_tco (26) | October 15, 2020 8:33pm
I still remember the first time I knew about Sett, it was when I first joined the game, I was playing with my friend who was level 106 (I'm still level 3 or something xD) and there comes Sett, and he was a pro... Since that day I fell in love with Sett xD (I am also kinda weak for red haired people so... xD)
Yeah, those skins are great! why don't add the rest of them though?
TheInkKingLoL (43) | October 1, 2020 2:06pm
Haha it's such a detailed tier list amirite (not a jab at you but at Riot for the very minimal amount of skins). Where would you put the new Sett skin on this list? In my opinion I'd say he's at S. I'd also, because of the new skin, switch the normal Sett skin to the A tier with Mecha Kingdoms Sett
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