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Tier list for Champion difficulty  Patch 10.25

SaltCat's Tier List SaltCat's Tier List
Last updated on December 24, 2020
10366 15
8 Votes


Tier list based on the most hard champions in the game, the higher the tier list the more skill , practise and time needed. Because you will need a lot of time to master the higher tier champions i suggest you play them only if you like the playstyle. These tier list are made out of facts and statistics, the braindead tier list was made out of my hate of these champs but still same thing.


Only OTP and mains can play them to a high level



They need  skill and time to be played at least to a decent level



They need skill and time to master, but they are overall easier



Those who shall abuse these champs do not deserve human rights

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Lil Cane | March 23, 2021 2:22pm
This tier is stupid who made it clearly never played a lot of the champion he/she considers "braindead", how is fizz or nasus easier to play then freaking chogath lmao
Lazlum (2) | December 31, 2020 4:50am
Azir in the same tier with an autotaccking champion (kayle) this makes me furious
proxarius (1) | December 24, 2020 1:45am
I main eve and just gotta say i cant even compare her to azir/yasuo/etc in terms of difficulty and skill expression. Her combo is ridiculously simple and almost always the same, which is wqer. the only hard part i guess is not dying early and your positioning late.
SaltCat (19) | December 24, 2020 2:03am
I main eve too and her combo is really simple indeed, but i placed her in the hard tier, because there is an insane skill experision, from learning how to play early game, to unique paths, unique ganks, and so much more. But you are right her combo is really easy and simple.
Tabletdogs | December 22, 2020 6:01pm
yone way easier than yasuo
SaltCat (19) | December 22, 2020 10:10pm
They are supposed to have the same difficulty, i am playing both and personly i find them both demanding.
hrama (10) | December 22, 2020 4:30am
nice list i agree with you with the most champions :)
SaltCat (19) | December 22, 2020 4:46am
Thank you for your comment, but can i ask? With what champions do you disagree with?
Rezzing | December 21, 2020 3:14pm
Alright, I just started playing this week and I've played 25 matches now on 15 different champions.
Morgana was incredibly easy for me, as were Ezreal and Janna.
Funny enough Lux, Soraka, Ashe, Sivir, and Ryze we're all more difficult for me.
Kayle was in fact hard. But not the hardest of those that I tried;
Singed makes me sad...
Of course these are my personal experiences.
I have yet to try a character you marked as brain dead.
But I may give one a shot later just to have a point of comparison.
SaltCat (19) | December 21, 2020 10:30pm
Well the champs you said are easy and i agree, but they are a bit more challenging in order to master them, kayle is hard and i have her in the hard tier, because she needs to learn how to play the early game to perfection.
Rezzing | December 24, 2020 2:03pm
Is Mundo on the list, I couldn't spot him but I might just be blind.
JunglingUwU | December 18, 2020 9:49pm
Azir in hard.... That’s a joke?
SaltCat (19) | December 20, 2020 10:21am
Where do you believe azir should be ?
Prof Grizwald | December 18, 2020 3:23pm
where is lissandra?
SaltCat (19) | December 20, 2020 10:21am
Oopsy ;D
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