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Worlds contested picks Patch 8.20

Khamosa's Tier List Khamosa's Tier List
Last updated on October 12, 2018
1565 0
1 Votes
New Tier List


Very limited choice in the toplane (as usual) with a really high presence of Aatrox and Urgot given how strong they are right now. Sion is the most contested tank without surprise. A lot of flex picks with Irelia, Akali and Ryze.



Tanks have pretty much disappeared in the jungle (thus having tank supports every game), more early game action with picks like Lee or Taliyah. Gragas is nearly 100% pick or ban due to the versatility of his kit (damage early, tank late). 



A lot of flex picks that can make you win the draft : Aatrox, Urgot, Akali and Ryze mostly. Syndra has came back at the perfect moment for Worlds. The rest are known picks since the beginning of the year, besides maybe Lissandra who rose in popularity shortly before Worlds.



Kai'Sa is utterly dominating this meta as a strong scaling ADC. Her only match is Xayah paired or not with Rakan for her very strong scaling. We've seen some agressive early game picks in the play-off such as Draven but they haven't been picked nor banned yet in group stage. Team that rely a lot on their ADC (RNG, Fnatic) tend to pick even higher scaling ADC such as Tristana or Sivir and funnel gold into them.



Support meta this year is heavily tilted toward playmakers, making Thresh and Leona very contested picks. Alistar, Rakan, Tahm and Braum are still very solid picks given how they work with pretty much any composition.

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