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worst ally champions you can get low elo Patch 10.8

Staszko's Tier List Staszko's Tier List
Last updated on April 22, 2020
1072 2
4 Votes
New Tier List

literally helps the enemy

so many times kindred saved the enemy from death, and then died herself


too hard for people to play correclty

Tier Description


supports, but not actually

also, its even better when they buy doran items

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step sis help | May 19, 2021 5:07am
I dont have a single win with trundle, I even started a game where I was asking my self if this is ranked and I asked my team and they said this was not solo Q, it was ranked and I lost 3/7. noice
Gloxinia | April 22, 2020 5:35am
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