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Xsvunknowns TFT Ranking List Patch 12.10

xsvunknown's Tier List xsvunknown's Tier List
Last updated on May 27, 2022
3602 5
4 Votes
New Tier List



My IGN is UHH Ambien. My highest rank was plat 3. So nothing too special. I've currently been enjoying learning TFT from high level players. Thought Id share some of that information here as well. Always open to discussion if you send a PM (feel free to change my mind) or simply throw it into the discussion board at the bottom for everyone. The goal of this thread is to help teach others about TFT as well as learn myself.

Remember keep discussion post friendly. :)

Thread will be updated consistently :)
Note Unit strength is also organized from left to right in terms of strength

Keep in mind please that this is my ranking list and may be different for each player. I'll try my best.
Drop a like to keep the thread going.

- Hello again, I switched games for a while but I am back and invigorated to rank high in TFT once again. This new patch got me on a learning curve lol. I've been slowly figuring out how I want to play the game. Many things are not in the correct tiers at the moment as a I figure out the patch but rest assured its being updated hourly at the moment.

- It's been a while but some how I keep ending up here. This is patch 6.5 on the new set. Getting back into TFT so updates will start again
- Silco does not have an icon but I would consider him a tier one pick





Top of the class



exceeding units



Average/fill units



Below average



About to fail out of high school

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SELORONIOS (118) | May 31, 2022 12:24pm
Took me a while to see it's a TFT tier list. Happy to see these but I think Mobafire has a TFT section? maybe I'm wrong :D
there are some units I'd argue about their placement, starting from the bottom:
Nocturne: I think he'd need to be brought down considering Illaoi and Jarvan IV are below him right now. Illaoi and Jarvan IV feel so good at 2s during the early game. I use Illaoi as the item holder to switch with Vi later. She tanks well and the sustain and dmg shine well during the early game. Have you ever seen a Caitlyn accidentally hit her target and fully heal illao? funny stuff. It just doesn't feel right for noc to be in the same tier as Swain while being above even Rek'Sai.

Okay, I got tired faster than I expected. Been playing a lot of bruiser+snipers lately trying to avoid being decayed since each game only adds 1d...
Dragon Egg makes hitting 5Enforcers much easier so Caitlyn carry is actually pretty viable even at lvl2. with the exact items, you've mentioned. It's fun to watch a lvl2 Kai'Sa get one-shotted by a 1 cost unit while trying to cast... Jinx and Galio can be quite problematic tho...

overall, nice job. Good luck.
lemonbellflower (22) | June 8, 2020 8:56am
I love your organization, that not only do we have tiers but real placements too. I like it! I'm not big on TFT (and I still can't read it as anything besides Team Fortress Two...), but I enjoy playing when I do and I can definitely see your placements. I thought I saw Janna was able to move on out of PBE, do you have an idea where you'll put her?
xsvunknown | June 10, 2020 1:26pm
Hey Lemonbellflower,

The mid season for set 3 has finally been released. I've updated the list to include the champions strength in relation to what comps I believe will take off in popularity in the next few weeks. I would assume buffs like Chrono, Cybernetics, and Blade master will become really popular. Comp's that utilize brawlers will also become stronger because of Gnar. On the other hand, I believe that the increase of mystic champions will cause early game magic/sorc comps to become less viable. Countering things like mana printer ziggs or SpaceJam comps.

To get to your question, I believe Janna will be a pivotal part of mage comps in the late game as it increases star guardians damage to true damage. Similar to the Void brawler comps we were seeing. The downside to her is that she is a 5 star unit meaning that she won't be available until the late game. This may hinder her placement if her buff and ultimate aren't as strong. "comparably to things like Thresh, Gangplank and Lulu." ... I'll frequently adjust the positioning of the champions as I see fit. But I assume she will be placed high.

Hope I answered your question if not feel free to reply back :)
berronii (13) | June 3, 2020 6:18am
Hi. Are you sure that Bard is PBE Only? He is quite strong. Same goes for Miss Fortune. Does She belong in the S List due to the fact that she's very hard to get(u won't get her in most cases)? Why don't your next guide be on such - how to get tier list compared with strength. You have a vote from me, thank you for contributing! Best regards, berroni.
xsvunknown | June 5, 2020 3:22pm
Hey Berronni,

Right now bard is only released on the public beta servers and not on the actual client. I'll update the list to include those champions as they are released. As for MF, I agree she is highly contested as she fits into many of the META comps at the moment such as Blaster brawler or Chrono Kayle. I think to utilize MF properly you need to understand whether you're running an MF carry comp or using her for aoe dmg and the Valkyrie buff. A good way to secure MF in the mid game is to utilize Polts Economic Strategy which sacrifices ECON for levels. Essentially this puts you ahead of the lobby and gives you a better chance to snag highly contested units. I've linked a video explaining the ECON Strategy.
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