I hope this doesn't override my last post. Bear with me I'm a noob at MOBAfire.

Here it goes! My first real post. I am going to start off with an old story from a while ago. This was when I had a cruddy computer.

I am Garen going solo top against a Shyvana and we both start with our spin moves (spin to win!) I walk to the middle of the lane and then I froze at level 1. I was frozen for about 30 seconds and I came back to a pleasant surprise. What happened was I autoattacked a shyvana to death while she was using Burnout as well as autoattacking me back. She even exhausted me and she still died to my powerful autoattacks.

I was left with about 3 bars of HP when the jungler Gangplank Parrrleys me while I tried to recall. Fortunately he didn't crit me so I lived through that. I kite him around a little while he waits for his cooldown while my jungler Trundle makes his way top lane to help me. I get away with around 20 HP while my jungler takes care of the Gangplank giving us a double kill first blood.

So the next time RIOT's servers start failing, and you freeze in the middle of a lane, just imagine yourself getting a double kill out of it like me.

These blogs so far have been updated from my iPod so please forgive me if I make typos. I try to proofread but some things slip by.