I'm always excited when new champs come out - Hecarim is no exception. His kit is intense, his art is amazing... All around well done.

I've run upwards of 20 games with him just in the past few days, along with my team; we wracked up more than 50 games between three players, and put all of our combined experience into a new guide for the new champ:

Hecarim the Heckler features a number of builds; Hybrid (my personal powerhouse sustain favorite), an aggressive jungle build, AD carry, and one based entirely off of his passive, Warpath, with nearly every item contributing to movespeed and damage for intense ganks and map crossing power.

I'm seriously enjoying the new champ (even if his skins are a bit lacking), and I hope you do too. Please feel free to comment on the guide and vote if you like it!