So I played 5 ranked games, 3 with Shaco, 1 with Graves, and 1 with Kha'Zix. I won 4 out of 5, my loss being with Shaco and in all games I did well and was positive. However, I feel very discouraged by the loss with Shaco. I mean, my team composition wasn't very good compared to theirs, and all lanes would overextend so I could never gank. And each lane was calling for me at the same time, and when I would help top lane, bot and mid would b****, moan and groan about how bad of a jungler I am.

I don't know, I don't feel like it's my fault but I also feel like a lot of pressure is put on the jungler over all other roles. I mean, if the jungler is TRYING to do his job when the other lanes lack, is it the junglers fault when he can't do anything? I don't think so, but that's just me.