I've been curious lately if there are other Summoners like me who like champions not because of abilities, but because of appearance, lore, voice-overs, etc... So I'd like to ask others,

Who are your top 3 favorite Champions?

First, I'd have to say from the beginning of League to now... one of my top 3 is..


Shaco was Batman's Joker of the game. And no not Heath Ledger's Joker, which I love, but the classic animated series Mark Hammill's Joker. His voice acting was amazing and I loved how he could just pop up and disappear, he was very mysterious in his ways. And to top it off, his running animation cracks me up!

Secondly, I'd have to say...


Hecarim. Is. Amazing. Probably my top favorite Champ in LoL.

1. He's a centaur.
2. His Reaper skin fights with a freakin' scythe!!!
3. I love how fast he is.
4. Did I mention he was a centaur?

But honestly, I LOVE his voice over, his taunts and jokes, and his backstory makes him sound like a monster come to life. Like he's the very thing your nightmares locked away from you. Well, besides Nocturne that is... But finally, I'm a huge Sleepy Hollow fan, and when Headless freakin' Hecarim was announced, I fainted from excitement!

Finally, my third choice is...


When Rengar was released I played him non stop, used him every game and always jungled with him. He was who I wanted in a champion, but something was missing... When Kha'Zix was announced, and I heard his backstory and saw that he was a praying mantis gone awesome, I was hooked. I play him OVER Rengar now because of how awesome he is to me. Plus... he's a purple Scyther.. Scyther is my favorite Pokemon..

So please let me know, who's your favorite 3 Champs?