Protects the carry, provides buffs to allies, provides map control and awareness, builds to counter enemies and benefit the overall team.

Sona - Her fast healing, bonus effects, and smooth transitions between abilities make her quite fun to play. The auto-targeting of her abilities can be both trying and beneficial.
Morgana - Aggressive and sustaining, her Soul Siphon helps her stay in lane with low health as long as she has mana. A full spell rotation with Morgana can render an entire enemy team useless. Her spell shield is an amazing counter to many problematic abilities.
Zilean - While squishy and ineffective completely alone, Zilean shines when put with a laning partner that can help divide his enemy's attention. Using Time Warp to sweep in and place Time Bombs will steadily deplete his enemies for easy picking. Combine his Rewind and his Chronoshift and you suddenly have an infinite Guardian Angel that refreshes in less than a minute. His Heightened Learning gives his entire team an edge with bonus experience.
Janna - One of the best supports, Janna can absorb the impact of mistakes quickly with her Eye of the Storm and toss enemies with her Howling Gale for easy harassing. Her Tailwind's movement speed bonus benefits an entire team.
Alistar - Alistar's tanky, in-your-face style of play makes him a force to be reckoned with for most enemies. Often, a wait and watch style of approach allows him to pull off a knockback and stun with his Headbutt or a knockup with his Pulverize. His heal can be a welcome save in a tight situation.
Galio - One of the best tanks known to the League, a stone wall to mages and a force to be reckoned with for his Resolute Smite and his famous taunt; Idol of Durand. Galio is the best magic resist tank, able to save your life and take several in the process.
Lulu - The support of all supports, Lulu has it all. Her Wild Growth is as good as a revive in many situations. Her Help, Pix! allows her to stay at the back- not that she needs to because of her naturally high damage and harass with Glitterlance. Her adaptability makes her a good choice in every situation.
Karma - As one of the more underrated and least known supports, Karma is a powerful ally. In my opinion, the best at turret kiting (considering she has no invincibility) and one of the most adaptable. Early game her Mantra but with good cooldown, playing her pays off in the end.
Soraka - A skilled healer, one of the most attractive for her ability to replenish mana and health. A good build to maximize her starcall can make her devastating. If you can withstand the focus of playing her, Soraka is a huge benefit to any team with her global heal, Wish, and her Consecration in teamfights.
Lux - Her Prismatic Barrier is the most flexible shield of all supports, allowing her to shield her entire team with her wand on its way out AND back. Her slow and bind make the perfect kit for positioning and more than most, damage. Her rotation and kill pickup is legendary with her Final Spark.
Taric - With a potent heal, an aura of supplemented defense with his Shatter and a useful stun, he is an excellent melee support. His passive and Imbue benefit greatly from auto-attacks, a unique mechanic to him.
Nunu & Willump -
Kayle - Her heal is one of the slightest in the game because it is combined with movement speed. Her dogged persistence and Holy Fervor make her something of a reverse support. Her strength lies in wearing down foes' armor and speed to leave them exposed to the rest of the team. Kayle's ability to cast Intervention on both herself and enemies is unparalleled.
Orianna -

Leona -
Shen -