Ok, so I'm about to make my first venture ever into solo queue, normal games. If it goes as well as it does in my head, I might even try a ranked game. So I was thinking about using three to five champions, each in three games, and see how it goes!

My list as of an hour ago was: Ryze, my very first and favorite magic dealing champion, Yorick, because he wins the sustain game so hard, Alistar, if I ever was forced into the support role, and Amumu, because he's so cute.

Yet these were all champions I've been playing for weeks, nothing new to make this experience more interesting. Until I realized there was a Barbarian Sion skin! It was love at first siight! There's always been something about big burly angry tough guys that makes me happy. I play them in Skyrim, Dungeons & Dragons, and now in League of Legends!

I started off in a beginner bot game to try him out. The game stats highlighted would be the 31-0-11 game second from the top.

Let's hope that blind pick normal games goes that well!