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BarbJ's avatar


Rank: Editor
Rep: Memorable (73)
Status: Offline
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BarbJ's Mobafire Blog

12 Dec
So I was talking with my brother after last night's inhouse, and he discovered for the first time that we had video logs of many of the games. And while I've been watching them as they came out, I do not have a list of all the games that I have been in. So, I've compiled a list of screenshots and videos of the games I've been a part of.

Some are games on NA (main account, full runes, lots of champions), some are on the EU West on my account (smurf, one rune page, less than 20 owned champions), and finally, some are on GMD's account on EU West.

EU 06/08/2012
5v5 SR,...
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25 Jun

Views: 1379 Guess Who

Guess who just fully recovered from back surgery. Guess who doesn't have to wear a back brace anymore.

It's me.
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17 Feb
I seem to have misplaced some of my photos. I did all four of these games right on the same day, and lost my focus a bit on the first two: I have no screenshots of the results or loading screens. I shall whip this adventure series back into shape for the next 10.

Game: 7

I tried to play Kennen mid. I've always seen Kennen as a really strong mage, and with my recent successes at playing Ryze, I thought I might be able to handle a more challenging champion. I've played Orianna before, and she wasn't that hard. How bad could it really be? Teemo was not nice to me, and...
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