I would not be tricked into support Yorick three times in a row! I managed to get top for the first time, against a Garen. I was excited, because about a week ago I owned a Garen in top. I sustain better, and cancel his passive with the green ghoul. Sadly for me however, the enemy Nocturne ganked me constantly. Bottom lane wasn't much better off, as Riven wasn't last hitting very effectively, having only 15 minion kills by the 12 minute mark. Kills were going back and forth all over the map, with double kills racking up for both sides on bot lane.

Starting at around 20 minutes, we had our first teamfight. Riven did not notice I had placed my ult on her before her untimely death, and sprinted away as the timer ticked down. Needless to say, we lost the 4v5. And every other 5v5 until around 45 minutes. Having the Baron Buff must have gone to the other teams' head, as we nabbed our first ace at our middle inhibitor. We fiddled around for a while, taking some turrets.

We caught them all at dragon, where they seemed to have lost their focus. Kassadin flashed towards us, Garen spun away, Brand pillar'd the dragon corpse, and Nocturne screamed "DARKNESS" at us, despite us having vision of every member of their team. We got everyone but Kassadin, and pushed our way up to the Nexus.

Despite my continual attempts between 20 and 40 minutes to get a surrender, we somehow managed to squeeze out a win. Just proved to me that you should never give up hope, no matter how bleak our circumstances.