In the pre-game chat, we were ***inged roles by one of the fellows on our team. He selected Udyr to jungle, directed two other fellows to select bottom lane champions (a Soraka and Xin Zhao), someone to solo top (the Tryndamere), and asked me to mid (I picked Annie for the burst, and stun combination). Well I locked in, happy with the team, as did the Tryndamere.

The Udyr who had just assembled a relatively well balanced team out of 5 random dudes lost his mind, and changed to Talon before locking in. I was surprised and deeply confused. We still had about 20 seconds left, so I asked him why he changed. "It's just a normal," he replied, "who cares?" That must've clicked with Soraka as well, because he changed to Teemo.

It was a weird laning phase for me as well, against a Tristana at mid. She outranged me, last hit faster than I could, and pushed me back without issue. At around 10 minutes or so, Talon came down, and ganked Tristana, burning her flash. Not a kill, but hey, it helped. I asked him for help with the blue, and followed him there. I auto attacked it, landing the killing blow with Disintegrate. To my horror, Talon began raging at me for stealing what was rightfully his blue buff, and how I was losing my lane so badly that it wouldn't help. When I countered with a "isn't it just a normal, who cares?" He took immediate offense that I was using his own words against him, and he raged for the remainder of the game about how horrible I was. I was disheartened to say the least.

People need to lighten up. Including me :D