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bergqvistlol's avatar


Rank: User
Rep: None (0)
Status: Offline
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Summoner Info

Zed, Lee Sin, LeBlanc
Assassin, Mage, Fighter



Q:What is your name?

A:Alexandre Bergqvist

Q: Rank in each Season?

Season 1: Unranked
Season 2: Silver
Season 3: Platinum
Season 4: Diamond 5+
Season 5: N/A
Season 6 N/A
Season 7: Diamond 2
Season 8: Diamond 5
Current: Diamond 3

Q:Where do you live ?

A:Umeå Sweden

Q:How old are you ?

A: I am "to old for this ****"

Q:What do you main ?

A:I main Midlane & alternative pick = Jungle

Q:When do you stream?

A: A couple times a week & whenever there is requests or demand.

Q:Favourite champion?

A: Zed,Lee, Leblanc & more

Q:What server do you play on?

A:EUW / JA / KR / NA In that order.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide